A woman trying to steal money from a pensioner

Narendra Gill is a 52-year-old woman who works for Leeds Tried to cheat an 81-year-old man Who won big prizes Prize in Euromillions from the United Kingdom. Specifically, the amount the old man had to charge was Over 150,000 Euro. generation stole the ticket Out of luck, he got five winning numbers and a lucky star for the guy, after checking and verifying that the number is the winner.

The man, Frank Goland, discovered he had won the award several weeks later, when police officers called the retiree to tell him what had happened. “I had no idea I won until I got this phone call. I couldn’t hear what the police were saying, so I asked my son to take care of the matter.” the sun. Specifically, he told the agent, “You must be kidding, this is a scam.”

This is how things happened

The crime was discovered by the organization Camelot, the company responsible for managing the UK lottery. Workers of the country’s national lottery company Jill began to doubt After hearing her try to check a ticket while serving customers at her store in West Yorkshire. Goland, from Use headphones To listen carefully, he remembers giving Jill eight tickets to check. After a brief period, She told him that they are all losers and gave it to them. The guy didn’t realize that in that deal I have changed them.

The woman confirmed to the agents that the tickets had been delivered to her and she did not know where they were bought from. But the investigation was able to establish, thanks to the management’s photographs, that it was the woman who attended him and his wife, 77-year-old Sue. finally, Jill confessed to fraud and theft And the court sentenced him 28 months in prison.

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