A teenager has been arrested in England on charges of “deliberately” cutting down a famous sycamore tree.

This article was originally published on English

One of the UK's most photographed trees has been “deliberately felled” in an apparent act of vandalism.


A 16-year-old boy has been arrested for cutting down a sycamore tree in Sycamore Gap, next to the historic Hadrian's Wall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site built 1,900 years ago to protect the far northwestern frontier of the Roman Empire.

The sycamore, located in Northumberland National Park in northern England, has been around for around 300 years and is the most photographed tree in the UK. The tree became famous after it appeared in the 1991 Kevin Costner film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

Authorities said it was “deliberately cut” in an “act of vandalism.”

Northumberland National Park has confirmed that the iconic Sycamore Gap tree fell on the night of Thursday, September 28.

“We are working with the relevant authorities interested in this famous landmark in the northeast of the country and will publish more details as soon as they are known,” he said.

Detective Constable Kevin Waring, of Northumbria Police, said: “This is a world-famous monument and the incident has caused shock, grief and anger throughout the local community and beyond. As our investigation is at a very early stage, we are keeping the investigation open.” “.

The National Trust, which owns the land, said it was “shocked and saddened” by the felling of the tree, which was named English Tree of the Year in 2016 at the Woodland Trust Awards.

Andrew Boad, director general of the National Trust, said he did not understand who had the motive to cut down the tree: “It's part of the DNA of this area, and that's what worries me. I don't see the logic behind it.” It happened.”

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The National Foundation said that it will collect seeds and cuttings from the tree. “It's a sycamore tree, so it might grow back, but of course it won't be the same,” Budd said.

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