A survey revealed that 33% have ever bought cryptocurrency

49% of Argentines state that the future of money is one of the main concepts they associate with cryptocurrency. Additionally, for 56% the biggest motivation for acquiring cryptocurrency is as a store of value due to the instability of the peso.

In Argentina, more than half of those surveyed do not trust the traditional financial system.

consensus is the leading blockchain and web3 software company and conducted a survey to determine what Argentines look like and their relationship with Crypto & Web3. was one conclusion that caught my attention Argentina and Nigeria are the two countries with the greatest motivation to acquire cryptocurrencies as a store of value due to the instability of their local currencies.

So before the motives for buying cryptocurrency: 33% of Argentines mentioned that they once bought cryptocurrencyBitcoin (65%) and Ethereum (41%) were the favourites. For 56%, buying cryptocurrency serves as a store of value due to the instability of the peso. In any case, The main reason to trade cryptocurrencies is curiosity: 62% in Argentina vs. 57% global average;

Regarding ownership of NFTs, 66% of Argentines say they have never obtained an NFTin line with the world number, and 46% confirm that it is likely or very likely that they will do so in the future. next to, 49% of Argentines say that the future of money is one of the main concepts they associate with cryptocurrencyWhile only 15% of Britons and 17% of Germans said the same.

Regarding fraud and fraud concern, 42% of Argentines say they are concerned about scams and scams related to the crypto worldcompared to 19% in the United States and only 12% in Japan. On the other hand, in questions related to carbon footprint, 49% of respondents in Argentina expressed that cryptocurrency is a green technologyThis proportion drops to 25% in France and barely reaches 19% in the United Kingdom;

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in Argentina, More than half of those surveyed do not trust the traditional financial system and nearly 30% think it is necessary to completely transform it, the largest number among all the countries surveyed. In addition, 4 out of 10 believe that the financial system and traditional banking can improve. In 2022, only 2 in 10 respondents agree with this hypothesis.

In Argentina, cryptocurrencies are linked to the future of the new financial ecosystem. Regarding Regulations, nearly 30% believe that cryptocurrencies should be highly regulated, which represents growth compared to the 2022 data (16%), although still well below the global average (42%), primarily driven by countries such as Indonesia (53%) and Vietnam (56%). The majority (38%) favor a regulation that favors investment and protects investors.

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