A protest against the injuries and arrests of an astrologer – DW – 07/15/2023

At least 13 people were injured and two arrested, on Friday (07/14/2023), leaving a protest Mining In Las Naves, a town in the central Andes EcuadorWhere a company with Canadian capital Adventus MiningReported to the authorities and the demonstrators.

“Police officers, without any provocation, were attacked by people with an aggressive stance opposing environmental advice, and as a result of this violent act, three police officers were injured and material damage,” the police said in a statement published today, Tuesday. Twitter. He added that a “gang” attacked a police unit with stones, sticks, petrol bombs and rifles.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office reported on the same social network that “two people have been arrested allegedly responsible for causing material damage” to the police facility in the town of Las Naves, which has about 5,000 inhabitants. The accused party added that it had requested police support to “enhance security in the area”. The police, in turn, said that the situation was under control and that “public order has been restored”.

People are against the environmental advisory that should be done so that canadian ecuadorian mining company Curiminingwhich has been operating in the region for 15 years, continues to develop its gold and copper exploitation project.

And confirmed by the so-called National Anti-Mining Front, of which the indigenous sectors are a part Twitter At least two people were arrested and ten injured in the clashes with the police. The source added that “about 300 Ecuadorian police fired tear gas and stones at the town: an elderly woman broke her ankle with a stone.”

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Large-scale mining production in Ecuador has been rejected by environmentalists and sectors such as the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (CONAIE), which took part in the social protests that led to the ouster of three presidents between 1997 and 2005.

Besides an early general election on August 20, a popular consultation promoted by anti-miners will be held to decide whether or not to ban resource exploitation in Quito’s six rural provinces.

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