A pictorial map of Valencia for tourists with autism

Valencia City Council has taken a new step towards integrating people with Wading. By visiting Valencia Make a map of the city using Pictograms To facilitate the tourist experience for people with disabilities Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) And other special capabilities. It is estimated that there are 450,000 people in Spain with autism spectrum disorder, some of whom have difficulties accessing written resources.

Thus, people with Autism Disorder (ASD) will have a catalog of pictograms and a map of all the tourism resources in Valencia. This was explained by Tourism and Health Adviser Emiliano Garcia. The project was presented at a press conference by him, accompanied by the president of the Valencian Association of Parents of Autistic People (APNAV), Daniel Manu, according to the British newspaper The Guardian. ecclesiastical It is a statement.

He explained in a statement that the project is part of the strategy “to make Valencia inclusive, where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can enjoy a good tourism experience.”

Graphics that “explain” people with autism

He explained that pictograms are drawings that “clearly and directly explain concepts that are understood without the need for text”. The mayor pointed out that “it brings tourism resources closer to people in difficulty and participates before and after in people’s lives.”

Among the pictograms that have been developed, there are resources such as hotels, restaurants, monuments or exhibition halls, but also others such as outpatient clinics or stores that facilitate the access of visitors to the cultural offer and facilitate their daily life.

All pictograms have been compiled on the map of Valencia that will be distributed in tourist information offices, hotels and restaurants and can also be downloaded from the website www.visitvalencia.com.

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The president of the Valencia Association of Parents of Autistic People thanked the city council for the initiative because “visual support for people with autism is very important so that they can understand everyday life.”

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