A man was caught dragging a crocodile by the tail in Georgia

man was photographed While pulling a crocodile by its tail In a park in Savannah, in the state of Georgia, to prevent a person from being attacked by an animal.

Markel White, An American citizen from Georgia approached a crocodile, grabbed it by the tail and began dragging it through a garden until it reached a pond where it was released, as the video posted on the YouTube news channel shows. Location 10.

The The crocodile is two meters long It was hidden behind a hammock in Bowles Ford Park. White says he acted quickly to prevent the reptiles from attacking anyone.

capture from youtube / 10 local news

My first reaction was: ‘what am I doing here?'”White said in the section shown.

Without hesitation man Hold the reptile with his bare hands And I started dragging him.

“It was a healthy fear,” White said. “I respected the power I knew the crocodile had.”

Youtube Capture / Local 10 News

The site revealed that the city’s Parks and Trees Department contacted a wildlife hunter who followed the path of the tracks and managed to catch the crocodile. WTOC 11.

The hunter, identified only as Jack, confirmed receiving some calls about him crocodile sights in the area and said White was lucky the animal did not attack him, others have pointed out. Sources.

“This is very dangerous for them and for everyone watching them,” the fisherman said.

White added that the authorities should intervene because of Crocodile in the area It is usually covered with grass and foliage and is hard to see.

The channel reported that councilwoman and community leader Alicia Miller-Blakely agreed with White’s words and said she had been lobbying for the city to preserve the park for years. Location 12.

The official and the fisherman warned that due to the frequent occurrence of crocodiles in this place, people should think twice before approaching them.

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