A guide to returning to Spain from abroad in the summer: you need these documents

How can I go back to Spain this summer? This is the question many Spaniards abroad will be asking themselves since then Mobility recovered So what Tourism is back to cross our borders.

Many Spaniards who live abroad plan to travel to our country to spend these summer months. More complicated repatriation due to the pandemic. Provides COVID certificate شهادة Officially, if you reside in the European Union, this is one of the alternatives to do it…but the same does not happen with those Spaniards who reside in countries considered vulnerable or outside the EU.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the main thing is to apply Official COVID-19 Certificate from the European Union. Indicates whether you have received the vaccination, or if you have already recovered from the disease or result of a negative diagnostic test.

However, What vaccines are acceptable to enter Spain? Anyone authorized for marketing by the European Union or the World Health Organization:

If you come from a third country that does not have a COVID digital certificate, you can access the country as long as you have it Vaccination certificate, negative diagnostic test or recovery certificate.

Vaccination certificate valid from 14 days to complete Vaccination schedule and up to one year from that date. Diagnostic test, if performed in 48 hours before arrival to Spain. And with regard to the recovery certificate, it must comply with a test no later than 180 days after the date of the first positive result.

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