A global breakfast for women in science was organized at UAdeC's Ciudad Universitaria

International Women's Breakfast. (Angelica Sandoval)

With the aim of creating an active network of men and women to overcome barriers to gender equality in science and inspire younger generations to pursue scientific careers, the Global Breakfast for Women in Science “Stimulating Diversity in Science” was held this Tuesday at the Ciudad Universitaria of the UA de C Unidad Torreón.

GWB 2024 (Global Women's Breakfast) was held in the lobby of the Braulio Fernández Aguirre Cultural Center as part of the Women's Agenda at UA de C and within the framework of the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The audience was attended by Dr. Martha Rincon Escobedo, research professor at the College of Community Sciences; Laura Arely Lopez-Gamez, a biochemical engineering student in the College of Biological Sciences; Griselda Santiago Hurtado, Research Professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Celeste Gracia Rodriguez, from the School of Biological Sciences. The event was opened by Torreon Unit Coordinator, Sandra Lopez Chavarria, who said that they seek to contribute to this event for another year. This allows to motivate researchers and students.

Irem Hernandez Almanza, research professor in the College of Biological Sciences, explained that the GWB is organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). “The aim of this event is to create a research network as well as motivate new generations so that they can participate or be interested in science, and also highlight the work that we do as women thus breaking this gender gap that exists in science,” he noted.

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In this regard, Irem Hernandez Almanza said that in the highest house of studies, There are 569 people involved in research, 49 percent of whom are women. In addition, he commented that of the 349 members of the National System of Researchers (SNII), 44 percent of them are women.

In November 2023, it was announced that in almost six years, the number of researchers from the Autonomous University of Coahuila (UA de C) who have entered the SNII, which aims to promote and enhance the quality of scientific and technological research through evaluation, has increased. The research and innovation taking place in the country. In addition, the number of women has increased, especially from the Torreón and Norte units, as part of the decentralization process promoted by the educational institution.

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