A fair and carbon-neutral economy is essential

Lourdes Uquillas/Madrid, Nov 5 (EFE). The current Climate Summit (COP26) offers a unique opportunity to achieve a carbon-neutral economy to 2050 that is sustainable, equitable, fair and has a positive impact on nature, the Director-General of Climate for the US NGO The Nature Conservancy, Leonardo Licerda, ensures.

At this time, the key thing is to “fill three gaps”: divisions between countries, money and a lack of cooperation, as Lacerda pointed out in an interview with EFEverde.

This expert from The Nature Conservancy (TNC), a nonprofit organization that dates back to the beginning of the last century, calls these three gaps “three parts”: commitment, compliance, and convergence.

Climate ambition

At the commitment level, he says, “current climate ambition is not enough” because it does not allow for adequate emissions reductions, and even when countries comply with what is stated in their National Specific Commitments (NDCs), the temperature will still be between 2.7 and 2.4 degrees by the end of the century, when it is estimated Greater growth in the world’s population.

Therefore, it is considered a challenge for participants in the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26), which meets in Glasgow (United Kingdom) until November 12, to reach at least the commitment of the G20 countries. From “net zero”, i.e. eliminating the use of coal in their economies, however, “With this, we will reach the end of the century with an increase of 1.7 degrees” in global temperatures.

economic gap

The second gap, financial or compliance, says Lacerda, is ensuring commitments to reach $100,000 million in climate finance between 2020 and 2025 and that “later commitments triple or five.”

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The third, convergence and cooperation, is seen from two points: the commitment of countries to comply with the Paris climate agreement, as well as the commitment of banks, companies, NGOs and other economic sectors.

net zero economics

According to Lacerda, the first convergence that has not been achieved is the financial convergence, because according to some studies, since the signing of the Paris Agreement, “Western banks have allocated more than $3.8 trillion to finance fossil fuel infrastructure. It is imperative that banks and companies move towards a net zero economy.”

The second part of the convergence is finding solutions to two fundamental crises: biodiversity loss and climate, which are “two parts of the same coin”, according to the TNC expert, who stresses that “we must now put nature at the center of the solutions.”

He stresses that it is the first COP that nature has set as a priority, so we “must take” the opportunity.

With regard to population growth, he argues, it is an important factor, but more so than the way people consume, and asserts that it is necessary to work with “low-carbon economies, save water and, above all, focus on food in ‘renewable agriculture'”.

Lacerda explains that in The Nature Consevancy, “a battalion of 500 scientists revealed to us that nature with its regenerative capacity can help us absorb and capture carbon and contribute to 30% of climate mitigation through 2030.”

Renewable Agriculture

For this reason, he says, “renewable agriculture is very important, but also the restoration of forests, mangroves, seagrass beds, swamps and, above all, the reduction of deforestation, is closely linked to the international trade of raw materials and other resources.”

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It is essential to impact and reach “zero deforestation and for the financial system and businesses to finance this goal,” says Lacerda, who works on issues of mitigation and adaptation, sustainable development, climate and social justice.

The Nature Conservancy bases its work on tackling climate change, protecting land and water, sustainable food production and sustainable cities. EFE
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