A case of alleged corruption has emerged in Costa Rica – Prensa Latina

The Office of the Deputy Public Prosecutor for Integrity, Transparency and Anti-Corruption (FAPTA) in Costa Rica on Wednesday requested preventive measures for imprisonment against 14 out of 30 government and private officials who pointed out alleged corruption in public works.

With the presentation by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the precautionary hearings of the Financial Criminal Court, which today will issue its verdict on this notorious incident of embezzlement of public funds, known as the Cochinella case, have concluded.

The representative of the Public Prosecution Office requested the pre-trial detention of this number allegedly involved, nine of whom are businessmen, including even the owners of construction companies; four public servants; A former state official.

It also urged the suspension of 11 employees of the National Highway Council (Konavi) from their posts, and the dictation of alternative measures to preventive detention against 16 others arrested on Monday of the previous week, including 12 government employees, and two former employees. Statesman, businessman and construction worker.

Of the last two, they were released over the weekend.

On the previous day, the 14 defense lawyers completed their discharge, which began on Tuesday of the previous week, after the arrest of this number of public and private officials, accused of settling among them for embezzlement of public funds.

Participants work for Conavi, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT) and for the construction companies Meco, H. Solís, Constructora Herrera, Cacisa and ITP Ingeniería.

The director of the OIJ, Wálter Espinoza, revealed to the press that in 2019 they received classified information that a group of government officials met with members of private companies, always award-winning.

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“Investigations indicate that funds and budgets provided to commit the crimes were paid, and it appears that 78 billion colones, or about $128 million, were embezzled,” Espinosa said.

On the other hand, Costa Rica headed by Pro Tempore (PPT) of the Central American Integration System (SICA) passed to Guatemala on Thursday.

The San Jose PPT for SICA — made up of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic — has marched in the first six months of 2021 and will align with Guatemala in the second half of this year.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, in a summary of its mandate, noted that Costa Rica has sought to promote the economic, social, green, sustainable and resilient recovery of the post-Covid-19 region and to put in place measures aimed at promoting the health of the population. Population.

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