A bee stings a medication delivery man in his eye; IMSS saves your eyesight

Sergio, delivery man 24 yearsHe was on his way to deliver medication when he lifted the lens of the helmet, A. The bee stuck to its needles In his right eye, causing damage to the eyeball due to toxins.

Carla Verdigel Sotelo, in charge of the corneal tissue bank at La Raza General Hospital, explained that … Stinger went straight to Sergio’s horny Whereas, once incorporated into the tissues, it released toxins and caused cell death in the tissues close to the injury.

In general, Verdigel added, toxic damage to the optic nerve, including the retina, results from it Irreversible visual loss.

Fortunately, the eyeball was not completely penetrated, as it remained in the first two-thirds of the cornea, which required an excision to fill it. Manual pull was impossible“, Locate.

However, the specialists from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSSIt was able to remove the sting and avoid further damage to the patient’s eyesight.

The best way to recreate the surface of the eye is by using donated tissue. “A big fortune we have with a corneal tissue bank is that Cloth is available at all times To take care of these patients in a timely manner. “

“In an average of 40 minutes, a small 3 mm frontal plate was implanted, and we were able to go through it Remove all toxins from the surface And the cornea is immediately reconstructed, “Sotillo explained.

On January 31st, Sergio was working on delivering an order when the bee placed its needle in his right eye and toxins began damaging his eyeball.

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There are few documented cases, as explained by the specialist, in the medical literature of injury to the surface of the eye, and in most of these cases, the result It’s not always vision preservation Or the eye.

For this reason, the specialist stressed the importance of donating organs and tissues in Mexico, to obtain them when the patient needs them.

Verdiguel indicated that Sergio actually has it Almost 100 percent vision is restoredYou have to wait two months to have the stitches removed, visually rehabilitated, and reintegrated into his family and socio-economic activity.

Meanwhile, the patient described that when he was bitten, “I felt as though I had a fork hurting my eyelid, my eyes were completely closed.”

And he indicated that what is missing is the minimum to restore eyesight, and Sergio said: “I was very lucky to have arrived and received treatment immediately.”


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