The Chang’e-6 space mission just revealed historic images of the Moon – teach me about science

An astronomical, scientific and technological breakthrough is currently taking place on our natural satellite, the Moon. This is thanks to the Chang’e-6 space mission, which shared for the first time in history what the dark side of the Moon looks like.

The space race is one of the areas of science and technology that has witnessed the greatest prosperity in recent years, and it is not surprising, as the research and achievements that have been carried out have revealed information that is extremely important to scientists.

Technological advances made by global space agencies have completely changed the way we see the universe, revealing mysteries that previously had no clear answer.

This progress in the fields of astronomy and technology has achieved great successes, such as the one that has just occurred in China, which was able to achieve an unprecedented scientific achievement, as it was shown that the dark side of the moon has been reached.

The space mission itself was carried out under supervision China National Space Administrationor CNSA, for short, which is the space agency that bears the greatest responsibility in this aforementioned country, was founded in 1993.

The Chinese National Space Agency was responsible for implementing this space mission, whose main goal was to reach the dark side of the Moon, and take samples and photographs. The name of this mission is “Chang’e-6”, which was launched into space to achieve its goals on May 3, 2024.

From the moment of its launch, this Chinese space probe reached the moon on May 8, and it took about 14 minutes to land on the surface of our natural satellite, according to information from the China National Space Administration.

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Image credit: CNSA

A key study of the Chang’e-6 mission is landing on the dark side of the Moon, near one of the moon’s most famous natural craters, the Apollo Crater, which has a diameter of 537 kilometers. Ideal for investigating the presence of water on the moon.

That is why it is worth noting that most of the research and samples taken from the moon were related to the face that we always see in the sky, so these samples, the information collected, and the images taken will be of vital importance. To understand new things about this natural satellite, say experts from National Autonomous University of Mexico.

After solving some technical problems with the probe, it had the opportunity to explore this desert and the unexplored region of the Moon for approximately 14 hours, during which time it was possible to obtain unique samples and photographs.

The image shown in this note is one taken on the dark side of the Moon, a historical event that many of us might assume we are experiencing.

The Chang’e-6 spacecraft is scheduled to return to Earth on June 25 of this year, the day we can expect a successful reentry, along with all the valuable information it brings us from the dark side of the Moon.

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