Heading for a strong heatwave?: UK records hottest spring since 1884 | 26 planets

Extreme temperatures, wildfires and sudden changes in climate are just some of the dire consequences of global warming.

Heatwave in the UK. Photo Effy.

the Temperatures They don’t stop rising around the world. Heat waves, wildfires and floods are just some of the dire consequences of global warming Climate change This doesn’t seem to give any relief. Likewise, in some countries it is significantly modified climate And this is the case United kingdomwhich is the country that faced spring Warmer in your date from 1884.

According to data issued by British Met Office (Met Office), Within months March, April and Maythe Medium temperature It was revealed in United kingdom It was 9.37 degrees Celsius, higher than 9.12 degrees Which was characterized by thermometers in 2017.

Heat wave in Mexico.  Photo: EFE

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Climate change, the biggest problem of the twenty-first century

Without a doubt one of the greatest calamity What defines this era is Global Warming. In this sense he met He noted that eight of the ten warmest springs occurred during this time a century, Which indicates a big problem that the whole world suffers from.

Heat wave in Italy.  Photo: ReutersHeat wave in Italy. Photo: Reuters

Moreover, the average temperature in United kingdom for a month maybe It was 13.1 degrees Celsius, i.e. higher than one degree Previous record to 12.1 degrees For that month, select On 2008, So it was maybe additional warm registered in the country.

a Spokesman The British Met Office said: “Although… heatthe Hours of sun During the season they were well below average, although no national record was changed.

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Heat wave in Italy.  Photo: ReutersHeat wave in Italy. Photo: Reuters

“the High temperatures His overnight scoring throughout the season has helped push the level Medium temperature Beyond Previous recordwhile there was also A Wet spring For many, he added.

Many countries Europe They crossed summer Very difficult to get through 2023 This trend is expected to be repeated in… 2024. Now we just have to wait for the start of the hottest season United kingdom. Is there anything new coming? Record temperature?

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