Conahcyt Director Celebrates Science Law Focused on Protecting Social Justice

The Director General of the Conahcyt Foundation, María Elena Álvarez Buela, reported that the Science Law had been suspended and protected which had changed the scientific community in the country. (Lopez Obrador).

On the first anniversary of General Law of Humanities, Sciences, Technologies and Innovation (LGMHCTI), he National Council for the Humanities, Science and Technology (Conahsett) A series of dialogues have begun to examine progress and challenges since the implementation of this regulation, which aims to ensure respect for the human right to science. These talks are part of a cycle of events called “Advances and Challenges to Public Law on HCTI on its First Anniversary”, which is part of the permanent “Knowledge is Your Right” symposium.

This law, which entered into force on May 9, 2023 After it was published in The Official Gazette of the Federation (Financial Affairs Division) One day ago, it was the subject of controversy and opposition from various sectors of the scientific and legislative community. In the days following its publication, scholars promoted lawsuits for protection 16 states The country and sent the document to State Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN), who requested a reconsideration of the constitutionality of this procedure. According to reports from Science CombineMx37 of the 41 injunctions submitted were granted, ultimately granting a temporary suspension of the law.

he Conahsett He defended the legality and validity of LGMHCTI, even after a federal judge in Nuevo León announced a final suspension with public implications, according to information from the organization. Consolidation of tracks Mexico. he Conahsett It continued its activities based on this new law, despite judicial claims.

The law will be subject to review in May 2024. (Archive).

In a recent statement, Conahsett Announced that in May 2024 a Critical review For the legal framework of LGMHCTIThis is in order to assess the future prospects of the humanities, sciences, technologies and sovereign innovation policies. Conassett’s Director General, María Elena Álvarez Buela, emphasized that this law represents a fundamental change in Mexico’s scientific policy, and is in line with the ideals of social justice and public interest promoted by the current administration.

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This series of events and discussions demonstrates the attention and priority given to science and innovation in the country’s political agenda, as well as the commitment to promoting access to and enjoyment of these rights as pillars of national development.

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