Cuba supports full participation of Palestine in the United Nations – Juventud Rebelde

The Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations, Ernesto Soberon, on Monday considered the admission of Palestine to the United Nations an essential step towards a broad, just and lasting solution to the conflict in the Middle East.

Speaking before the UN plenary session, the ambassador stressed that resolving the crisis requires the real exercise of the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and building their state within the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. .

Soberon affirmed the archipelago’s readiness to contribute to legitimate international efforts, in order to put an end to the barbarism suffered by the Palestinian people, Prensa Latina reported.

The General Assembly session was held after the overwhelming majority approved a resolution, co-sponsored by Cuba, that expanded Palestine’s rights within the forum last Friday.

The bill, which received 143 votes in favour, 25 abstentions and 9 opponents, requires the Security Council to address the issue of full membership for Palestine and grant significant changes to its current permanent observer status.

He urged the Permanent Representative of Cuba to repeal, without further delay, the historical injustice that prevented the Palestinians from participating in the United Nations with equal rights.

In this sense, he described it as shameful and unacceptable for the US government to once again abuse its undemocratic veto power to continue its complicit support for Israel and obstruct the clear majority position in the international community.

Soberon noted that 144 UN member states already recognize Palestine, a number that will continue to increase according to the diplomat.

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He said, “The State of Palestine is an active member of the international community and multilateral forums and is subject to the rights and obligations stipulated in various international charters.”

The ambassador believes that the draft resolution approved on Friday achieves justice by recognizing that Palestine meets the conditions for acceptance as a member of the United Nations.

“Every moment of inaction will cost more innocent lives. He added, “History will not forgive those who do not care, and Cuba will never be among them.”

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