More control over Spam thanks to Android 15 and Google Messages… You’ll always be able to see who’s writing to you!
An important improvement is preparing Google with its application MessagesAnd the RCS protocol and Android 15. It is definitely designed and Designed to process Spam emailsOr not, but whatever the case may be, the fact is that this function is already being tested and that Robot body We expected at one of his traditional shows APK demolished We will thank all users For Android operating system.
We are not referring to Satellite messages This will allow us to go to the end of the world uninterrupted, that too, but to something less flashy and more useful: Google messages Any sender of any message will be identified that we receive in the order, whether or not it is a number saved in our contact book.
Maybe this means Final take-off of RCSWell, the app Messages The Mountain View giant’s Android app has taken off a long time ago with over 5 billion downloads globally, and is one of the most downloaded apps in the entire Play Store.
As for the option itself, we know that it is still applicable In the development phase of the release Beta From Google messages (Compilation “messages.android_20240506_01_RC00.phone_samsung_openbeta_dynamic”), Allow The sender ID appears in the message notification Even if we don’t know him or have his number.
Obviously, a step must be done in advance, and it is said that users must authorize Share this information by enabling Discover profileUndoubtedly, something this will make possible Create a personal card in our profile Information that we want to make public. nothing else.
The sources explained that the sender will appear in the notification, however They still don’t clarify if it’s within the app itselfWhen you log in to read the full message, We can also see this contact card Who wrote to us? We understand that it will be implemented clearly, although at the moment It’s all a little bit “in the diapers”.
The option is available in version Beta Which we mentioned, but in fact It cannot be enabled without processing the application, which is only recommended for advanced users. Moreover, only for now It is possible to make this profile public by accessing the designated website in your Google AccountThis should be done in the future from the same application Messages You can also customize shared information.
Everything will be manageable and configurable, we can enable or disable this public profile and better optimize the shared information, but in fact we are facing something very useful for some users and groups that will help identify who sends us messages, thus avoiding “spam”.
naturally Everything will be manageable and in accordance with privacy lawsbut it is an important advance especially for companies and certain groups or users, and thus being able to Determine carefully who and how sends messages Act proactively, and finally seriously, against Spam emails phone.
Now we’ll see how long it takes to be available, but good for Google!
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