Students return to political science in solidarity with Palestine

  1. international

This Thursday, the French student movement once again carried out a struggle in solidarity with the Palestinian people being slaughtered by the State of Israel.

It was the University of Sciences Po (Political Sciences) again taken by his students Next Thursday, in a new procedure for the struggle to disavow and attempt Stop the genocide committed by the State of Israel About the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

This action was part of a A mobilization day in several French universities, such as the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Lille or Montpellier. The French student movement, like the American or British movement, stood against the massacres in Israel, the occupation, and the camps In support of Gaza and against oppression They reproduce in different schools and universities.

For more than a week, several IPS universities have been mobilizing against the genocide in Gaza. Campus Paris, Poitiers, Le Havre, Reims, Dijon, Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Lille It was occupied or blocked this week. in ToulouseAs in Paris, students were subjected to violent repression by the police.

The same thing happened in SorbonneA new camp was established on April 29, after the first camp held last week, which was violently evacuated by police and university authorities. This Thursday, a new occupation took place.

The students demand an end to the massacres and denounce the complicity of the French state and its universities in the genocide. This is the case, in particular, at Paris City University, where massed students staged a demonstration on the Grand Moulin campus to denounce the connection between their university, a leader in Macron’s plan for public higher education, and the government. L’Oréal group involved in settlement in the occupied West Bank. The ENS Jordan campus was also closed in protest against colonialism and demanding an end to the massacres against the Palestinian people.

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in Leon 3The gathered students demanded an end to the connection between their university and the Reichmann University, which is actively involved in colonialism, and chanted, “Killer Israel! Leon 3 partner!”

The same thing happened in Paul Valery from MontpellierOn Thursday, about 200 male and female students stormed the presidential building after refusing to host their delegation to discuss the university’s partnership with Israeli settlers. in NanterreA banner reading “From Gaza to Nanterre Solidarity” was raised on one of the main campus buildings.

in Paris 8A camp supporting the Palestinian people occupies the university hall. As Netanyahu prepares to invade Rafah, with US blessing, thousands of gathered students refuse to turn a blind eye to the ongoing massacres. In front of this A torrent of international solidarityThe French government of Emmanuel Macron, like the US government of Joe Biden, is resorting to repression, intensifying police measures, and threatening administrative and judicial sanctions.

To facilitate the imposition of sanctions and intimidation of students, the ministry could launch at the beginning of the summer “a unified national information system between universities, departments and ministries,” in particular “to intensify the fight against anti-Semitism,” according to the French newspaper Les Echos. . At a time when the bourgeois media and the government are multiplying False accusations of anti-Semitism against the Palestine Support Movement in order to suppress it more effectively, there is no doubt that this system will be used mainly, if not exclusively, against mobilized students.

In the face of the will of the ruling classes and the government to subjugate the youth, We must continue to expand mobilization to support Palestine. In the face of repression and criminalization of all who support Palestine, we must fight for our democratic rights in the face of the government’s increasing tyranny.

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