Thousands protest in Georgia against the controversial foreign influence law

This article was originally published on English

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili said she would veto the law if it was approved by Parliament, but the ruling party could override this veto.


Thousands of people in Georgia once again took to the streets of the capital, Tbilisi, to protest what they call the “Foreign Influence Transparency” law. Protesters fear that the legislation Undermining democracy And hindering the country's chances of joining the European Union.

The controversial bill requires media outlets and non-profit organizations to register as “Entities under foreign influence” If they obtain more than 20% of their financing from abroad.

“I think now we have The most important and decisive battle. Either we save our country now and maintain our European path, or we will lose our homeland. “This is how I feel now,” said activist Anna Supiliani.

“This energy and faith, and the number of young people in this process, They give me hope that we will achieve victory“he added.

Russia has similar legislation

Critics have called it the “Russian law” because Moscow uses legislation similar to it Stigmatize those media and organizations Which does not follow the same political line as the Kremlin.

But even though Significant popular opposition to the lawGeorgia's ruling party, Georgian Dream, appears determined to move forward with implementing the law.

“They can't even give a single argument why this law is Russian or bad. Everyone says they don't like the name. When there is funding, There are also interests behind it“said Parliamentary Majority Leader Mamuka Medinaradze of Georgian Dream.

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Although the country's president said she would veto the law if approved by Parliament, the ruling party This veto may be overridden He collected 76 votes. In this case, the Speaker of Parliament may issue it and issue it legally.

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