Maduro completes the formalities of announcing his candidacy, and ambiguity remains for the opposition

And without any surprise, Nicolas Maduro He was officially designated as a presidential candidate The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is scheduled to register between March 21 and 25, while uncertainty surrounds the pro-democracy opposition camp, given A state of political deprivation Which burdens the most likely candidate in the 2024 elections, Maria Corina Machado.

The start of the process, recently announced by the National Electoral Council, has key dates between 21 and 25 March. And through an act led by Diosdado Cabello, the weak second man in the regime, The United Socialist Party ratified Maduro's candidacy. According to the official narrative, more than 4.2 million Venezuelans participated in the rallies and declared governor seeking re-election until 2030. However, there are no images showing such participatory dynamics in recent weeks inside the country.

With a rejection rate of 80%, according to various polls. Maduro is campaigning as a defender of the status quo In power, according to analysts, as a link between the different movements that coexist within the Chavista movement. If he is able to complete his new term as president until 2030, mature He will have completed 17 years in power, a longer period than the life of his political father, Hugo Chavez, who ruled between 1999 and 2012.

Chavismo, as DIARIO DE CUBA has been able to verify, has intervened in situations to show alleged popular enthusiasm in favor of the ruler who hopes to remain in power. Three weeks ago, for example, he demonstrated the propaganda machine mature Atop his luxury car, he delivered a few words at what looked like a demonstration of support in San Fernando de Apure, one of the poorest cities in the country.

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According to a journalist who witnessed what happened, and who requested anonymity to ensure his personal safety, in reality no major demonstration of support took place.

The governor had recorded a program on a farm seized by the state, and was traveling to the airport and on the road was met by motorcyclists. They quickly stopped the official procession, mature He got on top of the car and said a few brief words. A series of close-ups, with people taking a moment to understand what was happening, ended up being displayed as a warm sign of support for the presidential candidate.

Meanwhile, on the other sidewalk. Maria Corina Machado continues the campaign In the average population of the country. By gathering thousands of people at each of her campaign events, the candidate insists she will be able to register her candidacy and publicly rules out opposition to naming an alternative candidate, as other political leaders gathered on the unionist platform have suggested.

The approaching deadline for registering nominations, which ends next Monday, which is generally the holiday season (Holy Week) in Venezuela, increases the uncertainty about what Machado and his interlocutors will do on the program.

Maria Corina Machado Today, he embodies the desire for change among Venezuelans. At this moment, any opposition candidate, whoever he may be, will defeat Maduro by a large margin, and this is clear. If the candidate is Maria Corina Machado, the advantage will be greater. Chavismo knows it,” explains political scientist Walter Molina, when consulted by the newspaper DIARIO DE CUBA.

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Molina, like many other analysts and observers, believes that some suspense will remain until the last minute, but given Chavismo's refusal to overturn the decision to disqualify Machado, it will opt to nominate an alternative candidate.

“Who goes to Instead of Maria Corinna It will be in name only, and people will vote for her whether her face and name are on the ballot or not. “It must be someone nominated by Machado, and she will raise her arm and dedicate herself to promoting this candidacy among Venezuelans.”

Without confirming the replacement thesis, the national coordinator of the Liberal candidate's campaign leadership, Henry Alviárez, alluded to this option by stressing that “María Corinna will not put any particular desire before the interests of any country.”

On the other hand, in decisions made, at the wrong time for a public entity, the National Electoral Commission decided on Friday night Delegitimizing a group of Venezuelan political partiesSome of them could have given their electoral cards to Machado or whomever she appointed.

On Saturday night, also hours later, CNE announced Political deprivation Juan Pablo Guanipa and César Pérez Vivas, two opposition figures with a national vision and allies of Machado, who would eventually serve as alternative candidates.

the Machado backup optionsSince their “Fente” movement was never recognized by the National Electoral Council, they will be on the electoral tickets of the Democratic Unity Table (MUD), which the Supreme Court could ban due to the ongoing process, and the United Nations “Nuevo Tiempo” party, which the founder did not hide. Absolute leader Manuel Rosales is interested in competing again for the presidency.

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Rosales is the governor of the state (province) of Zulia. He ran for the presidency against Chavez in 2006, and the animosity between him and Machado is public. Observers consider it a chess move by Chavismo, using the CNE, to put Machado and Rosales in a negotiating dilemma. The candidate enjoys popular support, while the governor has the current electoral card, which is the only card that the leader can practically resort to.

For their part, more radical sectors of the opposition said: They encourage Machado not to run for office Due to the fraudulent nature of the entire process. However, Machado emphasized that “nothing and no one will take us off the electoral path,” meaning that the electoral participation strategy is expected to be maintained by the main opposition leaders in 2024.

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