The 1.5 degree limit could be exceeded as early as 2024

the Temperature The global average could be around 2024 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900), which is precisely the maximum limit that the Paris Agreement advised against exceeding at the end of the century. However, the important thing is to know whether this trend will continue in the long term, as explained by the new Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Celeste Saulo.

In her first interview with the media after taking office on January 1, the Argentine scientist indicated this “It was already close to 1.5 degrees in 2023 (1.45 degrees has been reached according to the latest World Meteorological Organization report) Science says that 2024 is likely to be a warmer year due to the occurrence of El Niño.

“What we really need to be concerned about is the long-term trend of this increase.”

Celeste Saulo

World Meteorological Organization

He added, “Therefore, we hope that we will be close to the anomaly level of 1.5 degrees or higher, and exceeding this limit represents a warning, although… What we really need to worry about is the trend“In the long term, the spotlight is on the Argentine.

Saulo believes that an average global temperature of 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels for 10 consecutive years would be real evidence that… The Paris Agreement has not been fulfilledHe warned of a greater increase in climate disasters if this situation occurred.

“The atmosphere tells us that we must act.”

“The atmosphere and data tell us we have to act.” Saulo, who succeeded Finn Petri Taalas after eight years as head of the United Nations meteorological agency, summed up.

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In her speech to the media, the expert stated that the world “is facing one of its most complex challenges, which is climate change, which humanity is facing.”You must operate as a global familyThey are united by a shared responsibility, a vision for our children's future, and a common destiny.

The Latin American scientist, the first woman to lead the World Meteorological Organization in the organization's 73-year history, said: “We have the opportunity, commitment and potential to change the narrative on climate issues.”

Saulo summed up in this regard, “What women bring to organizations is diversity, we have different ways of thinking and looking for solutions, and this is not necessarily better but it is different.”

The Secretary-General added that she hopes to deliver in her mandate Priority for regional and field activities, “Ensure that innovation reaches all member countries, especially those with a lower level of development.”

In this sense, Saulo stressed the importance of the WMO program already underway to ensure that all countries of the world have access to early warning systems to prevent natural disasters.

“We must ensure that every human being on Earth has access to reliable and timely information about weather and climate risks to save lives,” he said.

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