These are the most played games on Steam in 2023 | Atomix

At the beginning of the month, Steam users received specific information about the games they enjoyed the most this year. Now, it's time for the company to share public platform data, and to the surprise of many, Baldur's Gate 3 This was the title in which the highest number of hours were invested in 2023.

Steam recently started sharing a series of details regarding the most popular games on its digital store. A few days ago we told you which games made the most money, and now it's time to talk about the most played experiences of 2023. It's important to note that Steam has shared four lists, each containing a certain number of players online at the same time. We start with Platinum, where we find games with over 300,000 concurrent players:

-Baldur's Gate 3

– Hogwarts Legacy

– Goose Duck Duck

-Destiny 2


-Dota 2

-Counter Strike 2

-PUBG: Battlegrounds

– Sons of the forest

-The lost ship

– Apex Legends

For the section Gold, which covers addresses with more than 150,000 concurrent usersWe find:

-Cyberpunk 2077

-GTA 5

-Path of exile


-Sixth basic armored vehicle

Naraka: point of the blade

-Resident Evil 4

-Call of Duty HQ (Warzone, Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III)

-Castle Team 2


– Deadly company

in Plata, where we find addresses with more than 80 thousand concurrent users, we have experiences such as civilization VI, Battlefield 2042, Valheim, Dev Divider And more. Finally, in the Bronze category, where we find games with more than 40 thousand users, they stand out Overwatch 2, Sea of ​​Thieves, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Monster Hunter RiseAnd much more.

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However, that's not all, since The most played games on Steam Deck have also been revealed. here they are:

– Hogwarts Legacy

-Resident Evil 4

-Dave the diver


-half life

– Vampire survivors

-Cyberpunk 2077

-GTA 5

– Fires of the Rubicon

-The Witcher 3

-Elden Ring

-Baldur's Gate 3

Without a doubt, a series of interesting lists that give us an idea of ​​the most popular experiences of the year. especially, Baldur's Gate 3 It was Steam's crown jewel. In terms of related topics, these were the titles that made the most money on Steam this year. And also popular com. starfield He has been rejected on this platform.

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Editor's note:

In case Baldur's Gate 3 It's very interesting. Although this game won a GOTY award at The Game Awards this year, not many sites gave it this recognition. However, this is one of the most played experiences on Steam this year. It's very interesting.

via: steam

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