UdeC student poster has received national recognition for neuroscience research

At the 44th Annual Congress of the Pharmaceutical Society of Chile (Sovarchi), held a few weeks ago, the work entitled Effects of intraneural amyloid-β on accumulating neurons cultured from APP/PS1 mice It was highlighted with ‘Dr. “Jorge Mardones Restat” was named the best postgraduate poster, among works submitted by students from all over the country. Its lead author is a biologist and student of the doctoral program in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the University of Concepcion. Paulina Saavedra Cees, He describes some of the key findings of his dissertation research.

The work reports on the development of a new methodology for generating neuronal cultures in mice that accumulate Aβ oligomers, which in turn play an essential role in the formation of fibrils, found in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, with the aim of developing a new model. in the laboratory To study the disease and possible initial treatments.

This research is partly funded by the ANID Paulina PhD Scholarship and by the Fondecyt Regular Project (1221080) of Dr. Luis Aguayo HernandezProfessor of the Department of Physiology UdeC and Director of the Neurophysiology Laboratory at the Faculty of Biological Sciences.

“This type of research is part of the priority areas of the programme. Many researchers at NEPSAM are interested in normal and pathological aging processes,” explained Professor Aguayo, who is also Director of the Neuroscience, Psychiatry and Mental Health (NEPSAM) Program, under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. And development in UdeC…

“Aging has been and will continue to be an important topic of research, given that the world’s population is aging and is also developing neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s,” the researcher added.

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Regarding her participation in the conference, which was funded with contributions from the Directorate of Graduate Studies at the University of Cape Town, the PhD student stated that “this opportunity was very valuable because I was able to learn other perspectives regarding my work and get feedback to improve my models further.” “Experimental In addition to exchanging experiences with other exhibitors and creating cooperation networks.”

He added: “The honor I received is very important, and also honorable, because it confirms and confirms the work we have done in recent years, and that good decisions have been made in the implementation of my doctoral thesis.”

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