How to preserve your laptop battery when it stops charging | guide | Tutorial | Microsoft | Windows | Acer | Mexico | Spain | Mix | Sports play

For people who use laptops Regularly for work or study, it is frustrating for the battery to suddenly fail. It is often assumed that they will have to spend a whole day at the technician’s shop to fix the problem. However, this is not necessary if you can detect the error in time and fix it without needing technical knowledge.

Experts Acer They understand the frustration of dealing with a laptop battery that refuses to charge. In response to this common dilemma, the company has shared practical and effective solutions to solve this problem.

1. Check if it is charging

Before you panic, ask yourself “Why won’t my laptop charge?” It would be wise to first check if it is actually charging, without your knowledge. how to do that? First, locate the laptop battery indicator. Depending on your operating system, the battery icon will show a graphic of the cable and plug, or a lightning bolt symbol in the middle of the battery. By clicking on the icon, you will get more information about the battery, about the power source and the battery charge level.

How to confirm download in Windows 11?

Click on Battery icon in the taskbar and you will see a notification whether the battery is charging or not, in addition to the remaining percentage of charge available, and the time remaining until the charge is empty.

2. Check the power outlet

“We know this sounds simple, but before you blame your Acer laptop charger for a lack of battery power, check the power port,” Acer says. To make sure the port is working properly, we recommend plugging in a phone charger or any similar portable device that works perfectly when plugged into other outlets. If there is a problem with the outlet, simply use another outlet and call a professional electrician to fix it.

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If you are traveling abroad, remember that power supplies in different countries have different options for AC voltages and frequencies. Laptops are designed to limit the maximum power they can consume, so they are less likely to overheat. However, low wattage can cause many problems, including negatively impacting the charging ability of your devices.

3. Check the power cable and adapter of your laptop

If checking the power port doesn’t solve your laptop charging issue, we recommend checking the power cable and adapter next. First, take a minute to familiarize yourself with the components of a laptop charger. Check for physical damage to the power cord; They can wear off from regular exposure to dragging on the floor and rubbing against office chairs. Another reason: Sometimes they are bitten by dogs, cats or other pets. If it is damaged, you must replace it.

When it comes to the health of the transformer transformer, it may have been exposed to physical shock and in this case there are often telltale signs such as scratches, cracks and even traces of water or fire. After ensuring that the cable and adapter are not physically damaged, make sure that everything is set up so that the components are connected correctly.

4. Check the charging port

First make sure that the charging cable is properly inserted into the port. Then, if the connection seems to be loose, try tightening it to align everything properly. Take a close look inside the charging port using a flashlight, if necessary. Check that there is no debris, dust, or dirt that has accumulated due to environmental factors and may hinder the charging process. Cleaning the port is a delicate task and it is ideal to do this with a toothpick or cotton swab.

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5. Try another charger

If you have access to another charger that is compatible with your laptop, plug it into the charging port. If this solves the problem, you know that your laptop is safe and replacing the charger is a relatively simple and low-cost option.

6. Restart your computer

Another simple, but often deceptively effective, “solution” is the old fashioned on-off method. Simply restart your computer and see if the battery icon status is updated.

7. Update or reset the battery controller

Your laptop’s battery controller is another potential source of charging problems. This manages the general functions of the batteries. Keeping it updated is essential to ensure optimal battery performance. Check the driver for updates and restart it accordingly.

How to update battery drivers in Windows 11?

1. Click Get started And search Device administrator.

2. Click Opens.

3. Click Batteries.

4. Choose Battery control method is Microsoft ACPI compliant.

5. Go to the tab observer.

6. Click Update driver And specify He accepts.

7. Restart your laptop as described in point 6 above.

8. Check for software updates

Software updates are equally important to battery health. While these updates are supposed to update automatically, depending on the settings chosen, you may have to do this manually. For battery driver and software updates, we recommend checking your laptop manufacturer’s website and following the correct steps.

How to check for updates in Windows 11?

1. Click Get startedHe chooses sessionOr use Windows +I to open it session quickly.

2. Choose Windows Update.

3. He chooses Check for updates.

9. Check battery status

What about the battery status report? Windows 10 and 11 can provide you with a battery status report in the form of an HTML file. This is very easy to request, just by entering a line of code. Don’t wait to perform an autopsy on your battery; Check this out To learn how to request a report.

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How to check battery status in Windows 11?

1. Right click start, He chooses Open a command prompt windowthen type: powercfg /batteryreport.

2. The battery report is saved as an HTML file in C:\Users[SU NOMBRE DE USUARIO]\battery-report.html.

10. It’s too hot inside and out?

Next, let’s talk about heat. Laptop chargers get moderately hot while charging. This is common information and there is probably nothing to worry about. While our perceptions of heat are subjective, if the charger is too hot to touch, you may want to look into what could be causing this. If the charger starts emitting smoke, making strange noises, or burning, unplug it from the power source immediately. As the world enters a period of global warming, batteries will also be affected. Temperatures higher than 95°F or 35°C will affect your laptop battery. We recommend keeping your laptop in a cooler environment, if possible.

11. Hardware problems

Finally, hardware issues can also negatively affect charging. Make sure to check your laptop for any problems and fix them before giving up! If you’re not sure what the issues are, read this .

How to run the hardware troubleshooter in Windows 11?

1. Click Begins.

2. Choose session.

3. Click System.

4. Click solving problems.

5. Click Other troubleshooters.

6. Click the button to implement Next to the device or device you’re having problems with. Your system will automatically run the Windows 11 hardware troubleshooter.

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