Scholarships to study in the United Kingdom

Taking into account that every day more Colombians are looking for job opportunities and academic preparation abroad, the UK government has opened a call for young people who want to study in European territory, with 100% coverage of scholarships.

George Hodgson, Ambassador of the United Kingdom, explained that when the call was opened, many young people expressed interest but found difficulties in applying for the Chevening Scholarship Programme, which is why the embassy of this country has created an illustrative guide on the process that must be followed to officially send the application and be part of the call.

The application process for a Chevening Scholarship, according to the UK Embassy, ​​is as follows:

1. Enter the official website

2. Select the “Apply” option.

3. Choose the country to which the applicant belongs, in this case Colombia, and apply for the “School” option, which is the advantage given to students.

4. After that, a tab will open with information covering everything related to the program, and there you should choose the “Apply Today” option at the bottom.

5. The applicant must register his personal data, email, and choose a password

6. Upon completion of registration, you must upload the required documents for the summons and other requirements for application.

It should be noted that the applicant will have until November 7 to collect all documents and other information required for application, and after this date the program will not receive any more applications.

Can read: The Organization of American States will provide scholarships to Colombian students for MBA programs

Benefits offered by Chevening Scholarships

As stated on the website, applicants selected for this program will receive the following benefits in European territory:

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  • Tuition fees are fully funded
  • Monthly wage
  • Round trip travel expenses to the UK
  • Arrival assistance to the country
  • Return assistance to the country of origin
  • Cost of applying for a UK visa
  • A travel grant to attend Chevening events in that country

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