Conviasa will connect Cuba with Iran and Belarus

They reported that the Venezuelan company Conviasa, which operates numerous flights to Cuba, will also connect the island with countries allied to the Miguel Diaz-Canel government such as Iran and Belarus. modes from the Eurasian country.

According to this report, Vyacheslav Khoroniko, General Director of Minsk National Airport, announced on the Belarus 1 TV channel the fact that “very soon” Belarusians can practice tourism on the Caribbean island and also in Iran, which is one of the most controversial countries. Islam in terms of human rights, especially women’s rights.

The official said that a lot of work has been done to organize direct flights between Havana and Minsk, in agreement with the Venezuelan company Conviasa. In this sense, explained the senior manager, the Belarusian airport is a transit point for landing.

Flights from Cuba to Belarus and Iran

According to this information, the starting point will be Havana, with a stopover in Minsk and a final route in the Iranian capital, the city of Tehran. These three countries are allies at the political level, so the most reasonable thing is that they are also allies in economic development or tourism exploitation. They also talked about direct flights to Vietnam and Thailand from that country.

“This issue is being worked on. We want this very much. I believe that the arrival of our tourists from the Republic of Belarus will have great potential. Russia is not far either,” Khoroniko said in this regard. However, the official indicated that they would give priority to the air agreements they concluded with Russia.

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Trips to Belarus, if conducted, would be very easy for Cubans, as it is one of the countries that do not require a visa for these citizens. So it would be a matter of buying a ticket and having a valid passport for these trips from the island.

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