Forbes Women’s Summit | They demand education for the advancement of women in the medical field

In the early stages of education, the idea that women can climb to high-level positions in the medical sector must be promoted, experts agreed at the Forbes in Español Women’s Summit held on Tuesday in Mexico City.

Yéssika Moreno, medical director for Pfizer Mexico, warned that there are no examples of girls and young women aspiring to high positions in medicine.

He warned that only 35% of people in scientific fields are women and only 12% of people in the scientific academy are women.

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“We have to work in the corporate field, and make a lot of work at the high school, high school, and college levels. We see that we fall short on education. It’s an issue that we have to work on,” Moreno explained in the panel, “Women Who Take Care of Other Women.”

In her post, the surgeon Flaminia Villagran charged that women are questioned heavily when they want to study medicine and that this situation is more acute in South America.

She said the situation is getting worse when functional medicine graduates enter the field of work and then have to leave it because they are not supported when they get to the maternity hospital.

“Guatemala’s public hospitals have many young students, but as they get older, they have to leave the field of work to start a family, because they rarely get licenses, and management positions end up being filled by men,” he said.

Therefore, he said, from schools, the interest of minors in the study of medicine should be inculcated and men should be taught to be allies of women.

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“We must educate men to cooperate with women,” said the Guatemalan surgeon.

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