Meeting of complementary schools in the UK that offer free Spanish lessons…

Most of the further schools formed in the UK in the last five years have been collected online. Existing residents’ council members collaborated in establishing these schools.

These schools were created to provide education in Spanish in a number of cities where there is still no type of classroom by any Spanish institution for the education of our daughters and sons.

Only London has ALCE classes, where Spanish lessons are offered for free, and there are several large urban centers where families have banded together to set up non-profit organizations to cover the gap.

UK Hispanic Association ALBA

Some schools have more than 100 students and new cities join the “Our School in the UK” project based on a series of rules such as being non-profit organizations whose main objective is to teach Spanish and not as a foreign language, and on the principle of solidarity and commitment to work together while maintaining their independence.

This meeting focused on resuming contact and the ability to schedule workshops and meetings, both online and in person, that help promote joint work in both the educational and administrative fields.

The schools that met were those from Birmingham, Bournemouth, Cardiff, Exeter, Leeds, Leicester, Manchester, Maidstone, Milton Keynes, Nottingham, Plymouth and the recently created association ‘Belfast Roots NI’.

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