ALL shooting boards are of S rank.

We leave you the location of all Resident Evil 4 shooting galleries. Show your level of aiming and get rewards that unlock amulets.

the shooting galleys From Resident Evil 4 Remake are some of the places where you can Try aim, demolishing cartoon targets. By managing to eliminate all targets and fulfilling a series of requirements, you can get some Gold and silver coins that you can replace amulets that give special effects. Here we’ll show you how to find them all and what you need to do to get an S rank.

  • Every new kitchen adds Three tests.
  • You can in every gallery Participate in the above tests.
  • You just get rewarded once.
  • Every kitchen has it A condition for the appearance of more targets.
  • in New game + Can Complete again and get rewards. All galleries will be available from the first gallery you find.
  • the Tokens are redeemed at the machine next to the elevator. The higher the value of the token, the higher the chance of item rarity.
  • the Magic is equipped on the typewriterand select the Briefcase option.

Shooting Kitchen 1

It was found during Chapter 3. You’re in a zone hawkers after the quarry.

the Additional condition The more targets to appear is that Destroy all targets. It doesn’t matter if you hit any of the “hostages” or not.

shooting kitchen 2

It was found during Chapter 9, in store Street vendor in the Great Hall.

the Additional condition The more targets to appear is that Destroy all targets before the timer goes below X secondsRegardless of whether you hit sailors or not. You will be asked to leave no more than 20 seconds for 2-A, 30 for 2-B, and 30 seconds for 2-C.

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shooting kitchen 3

It was found during Chapter 11, in store peddler in the mine.

the Additional condition Until more targets appear is that you must eliminate them All pirates with less than 10 shots. In the case of 3-A it’s a matter of shooting enemies with dynamite, in 3-B take advantage of the Punisher hack and in 3-C take advantage of the hack and wait for the sailors to leave for the dynamite to arrive, or avoid it altogether.

shooting kitchen 4

located at the beginning Chapter 14, in the hawker’s shop Building warehouse 1 note. You must pass from here, there is no loss.

the Additional condition The more targets to appear is different at each stage:

  • 4A: Destroy all pirates with less than 20 shots.
  • 4-b: Destroy all pirates.
  • 4-C: Destroy all pirates.

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