What is the correct way to clean and wash oysters? That’s what science says – teach me about science

Seafood has played an important role in the human diet, having high gastronomic value and being the stars of countless creations that have emerged around the exotic flavor of seafood.

Although the marine products applicable in gastronomy are wide, they can be divided into 3 large groups: fish, crustaceans and molluscs.

In these last two groups we can find shrimp, prawns, crabs and molluscs, such as mussels, oysters, octopus and others.

This type of seafood has a high nutritional value, as it provides the body with vitamins and minerals, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which is why eating fish and shellfish is an excellent source of protein that experts Recommend eating regularly.

However, there are risks around these foods, the most common of which are poisoning and ingestion of parasites, so it is recommended to always consume fresh produce and keep it in the refrigerator, because it is a product that degrades quickly.

In the case of molluscs, one of the largest extremities of the animal kingdom, they possess a soft body that can be naked (as in the case of octopuses or squids) or protected by a shell (oysters, clams, mussels, among others).

The shell possessed by these latter animals is composed mostly of layers of calcium carbonate and serves as protection against predators. These shells are exposed to corrosive factors in the aquatic environment and the pollutants that surround them.

They are also structures that other life forms attach to, which is why it is essential to have an excellent washing technique that prevents you from contaminating food when opening the wrapper. To do this, we leave you the steps to follow to achieve excellent results.

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The first thing you should do is get a fresh, high-quality product, and once you have it, you should refrigerate it immediately or keep it on ice to prevent spoilage of the seafood.


To begin the wash, you must place the slugs under a steady stream of water, thus shaking off grains of sand and surface dirt that they may have.

brush or fibers

With the help of these tools, carefully carve the entire surface of the shell, removing as much dirt and attached algae residue as possible.


Rinse it with plenty of cold water and dry off the excess with the help of a flannel.


With the help of the same cloth, firmly grab the widest part of the clam, leaving the narrowest part exposed, and carefully insert the seafood knife. It is important to break the union (umbo) of the oyster by applying a little bit of force and you end up passing the tool through the entire opening of the oyster. When the shell is opened, some fragments of calcium carbonate can be released, so you can remove the impurities by rinsing the shell one last time.

Now all that remains is to plate or cook as usual and enjoy this delicious and nutritious food.

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