The keys to health efficiency are cost savings

Alfonso Gomez, MD, a radiation oncologist, and Teresa Accitore, deputy director of economic evaluation for the Cruces Integrated Health Organization (OSI).

Health is the highest priority improve health of patients. However, this is not an obstacle to developing strategies that allow this Greater efficiency when providing health services. In the end, allow betting on the proper management of resources Provide more services at the same cost.. For this reason, health administrators must aspire in pursuit Balancing “between improving the patient’s condition and the cost of his treatment.”

Results in health and costs of disease, under discussion.

This is the idea you defend Teresa Akitori, deputy director of economic evaluation for the Cruces Integrated Health Organization (OSI), who understands that “you can’t talk about savings on something like health.” In this same vein, he advocates that efficiency is the cornerstone to be able to integrate new processes and services into health services. This was stated during his speech Innovative Health Organization Day Ezkerraldea Enkarterri Crucesorganized by medical writing Next to Spanish Association of Health Directors (SEDISA) sponsored Boehringer Ingelheim And cooperate Air Liquide Healthcare.

In addition, during his presentation he highlighted this “You have to know the costs of illness.”Because otherwise, “the value cannot be added” to the entire health service. It also stresses that “cost volatility depends on Different therapies chosen to treat the same disease“, which must be taken into account when organizing the available resources.

Acaiturri: “You can’t talk about saving on something like health”

In the same way, Akitori realized that it was “difficult” to talk about Cut the cost and calculate the percentage that they do in a field such as healthcarewhere savings are allocated to new investments that modernize and improve benefits. What is left for spending on one side is used to allocate it to other areas. It has been recognized.

Teresa Akaitori, Deputy Director of Economic Evaluation for the Organization for Integrated Health (OSI), during her presentation.

To calculate costs, Cruces University Hospital has the tools to allow for this Control treatment costsCalculate the average investment per patient or the total amount to run a particular service or unit.

Value-Based Medicine

for his part, Alfonso GomezA specialist from the Department of Radiotherapy Oncology made use of his intervention to explain the management based on the health outcomes of the oncological operations. In this sense, he stressed that in his department “medicine in value”It is about caring for the patient, not the disease, and improving health strategy by reducing the costs of the health system as a whole.

Alfonso Gomez, MD, a radiation oncologist, during his speech.

Thanks to a study of operations, for example, in just five years, the Oncology Service has been able to reduce from 15 to 5 radiotherapy sessions in cases of prostate cancer. This was possible with the incorporation of new, safer and more accurate equipment. With this strategy, it was found Reducing costs by 20% per patient, at an average cost currently of €7,660.

Although it may contain data, data or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional with any health-related questions.

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