UK to monitor illegal immigrants using GPS and their fingerprints

Persons against whom deportation orders have been issued United kingdom They will have to carry a fingerprint scanner with GPS, this way the Home Office will be able to Verify your location and identity.

sayings hardware It is like a large keychain and will be issued to those individuals who are subject to immigration bond for Location tracking 24 hours a day. In addition, users must scan their fingers when prompted to confirm their identity and proximity to the electronic device.

new world He points out that “the Home Office has not said how often this will be required nor has it explicitly stated why fingerprint scanners would be better than ankle tags,” adding that Use of the collected data will comply with protection laws.

Unfortunately, NewScientist reports, “A lawyer who has represented many clients who have been required to wear GPS ankle tags and wishes to remain anonymous says that Security measures are not good enough“.

The lawyer points out that “many people who have been issued deportation orders suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, so monitoring by GPS 24 hours can make your condition worse.

On the other hand, the Home Office spokesperson added, “The public is rightly expecting this We comply with our legal obligation to electronically monitor any foreign criminals I traded on immigration bail while awaiting deportation. The labeling decision is made on a case-by-case basis and a mixture of fitted and unequipped devices is used.”

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