All Pokémon in Scarlet and Purple Paldea forms (Regional)

Pokemon Scarlett and Pokemon Purple Displays in his vineyard Pokdex For some Pokémon that have developed new characteristics because of the environment in which it was grown; In this case in Baldia district. These creatures are known as Pokémon regional or Pokemon with Shapes Baldia.

If this is your first time in the saga and You don’t know how it works This regional phenomenon, or are you curious to discover it What are the Pokemon that have new forms In scarlet and purple, keep reading this entry from Our guide Because then we show you all the files details Related.

What are the forms of Paldea?

Paldea forms are for the scarlet and purple Pokémon It features new genres and new visual designs unlike their original versions known earlier in the saga. That is, they are creatures now They have changed Because of the influence of the region in which it is located (remember, in these games Paldea, hence its name).

This is a regional Pokemon phenomenon It’s not new in the series and many veteran gamers will remember that this mechanic was originally introduced to the series with the installments Pokemon sun and moonWhere we met calls Advertising forms. Also in Pokemon sword and shield we had in Galar forms.

in Summary of the aboveso that you have no doubts, Baldea forms It differs from the rest Pokémon in these aspects:

  • They are the Pokemon that have been seen affected by the region in which they live
  • This makes a Pokemon with Paldea form Change in its appearance and design.
  • In addition, these Pokemon also change in Features and types.
  • by to set an exampleWooper is originally a Water and Ground type Pokémon, but Paldea’s Wooper has Poison and Earth types.

All forms of Pokemon with Baldia

Then here below We show all regional Pokemon Which features Paldea’s forms in Pokemon Scarlet and Purple. a favour your detailsInformation, characteristics and much more for each:

Whopper from Baldea


In ancient times, Wooper lived in the waters of the Paldea region. But after losing a territorial dispute, he was forced to live on dry land. To survive in this new environment, he developed a toxic mucous membrane that protects you from body.

Their gills have hardened over time due to living out of water. Its body is heavy and makes it move slowly, but it can protect itself by releasing a poisonous liquid from its gills. Poisoned Pokémon can sometimes be found in areas where Whopper lives.”

  • N National Pokdex: 194
  • guy: Venom and Earth.
  • category: Pokemon Poison Fish.
  • to rise: 0.4 m.
  • Weight: 11.0 kg
  • skills: Poisonous/water-absorbing point/ignorant.

Taurus Baldia


  • N National Pokdex: 128
  • guy: conflict.
  • category: Brave bull pokemon.
  • to rise: 1.4 m.
  • Weight: 115.0 lbs.
  • skills: Intimidation/anger/rumination.

Taurus of Paldea (The Vermilion)


This pokemon Scarlet Edition exclusive.

  • N National Pokdex: 128
  • guy: Fighting and shooting.
  • category: Brave bull pokemon.
  • to rise: 1.4 m.
  • Weight: 85.0 lbs
  • skills: Intimidation/anger/rumination.

Baldea Taurus (purple)


This pokemon Exclusive to the purple version.

  • N National Pokdex: 128
  • guy: Fight and water.
  • category: Brave bull pokemon.
  • to rise: 1.4 m.
  • Weight: 110.0 kg
  • skills: Intimidation/anger/rumination.

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