A strange British virus turns pigeons into “zombies” – Metro World News

meaning of United kingdom They reported that the British authorities had warned of an “inevitably fatal viral disease” that struck pigeons on the island of Jersey, located in the English Channel. Birds experience a number of neurological symptoms including violent neck twisting and wing tremors, which make them look like “zombies.”

The ‘brutal’ condition is known as pigeon paramyx virus, or PPMV-1, animals that suffer from it tend to lose weight quickly, have green stools, and walk in circles; They are often unable to fly and are reluctant to move.

Spokesman Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals He pointed out that in recent weeks, the number of pigeons that were transferred to the shelter increased due to their inability to stand or move with difficulty.

The virus survives in wet and cold seasons

The spokesperson explained that this outbreak can be attributed to the time of year, as the virus survives longer in the wetter and cooler months.

The virus spreads between pigeons and poultry, but fortunately It cannot be transmitted to humansThe spokesman explained that despite its ability to cause conjunctivitis in those who care for sick birds, adding that the disease has no cure, so “many birds die within a few days.”

However, the remaining species pose a danger to other birds, because “the disease is highly contagious and spreads through faeces and other secretions,” the sanctuary representative explained. Because of this, the infected birds in the center are humanely killed.

The British government, in turn, reminds poultry farm owners that the disease can be prevented through vaccination and “exercise strict biosecurity in facilities”.

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