Keys of the day: Is the pound below par? Mid-term GPS calls for a recovery and Italy is said to be

Keys of the day: Is the pound below par? Mid-term GPS calls for a recovery and Italy is said to be

The week was marked by central bank decisions, but also by the UK tax cut that put the pound at risk. Larry Summers points out that the pound may fall below parity and Deutsche Bank is talking about an emergency intervention to raise interest rates and stem the decline of the British currency.

Tomorrow Italy decides whether Meloni will take charge of the country and whether Europe has a new front to worry about.

Everything seems to indicate that there should be no problem in foreign policy, but in economic terms, Monday could be complicated if Giorgia Meloni finally manages to form a government and the subsequent message that could point to recovery plans and the European Central Bank.

Germany continues its own ordeal of recession. It is now indicated that reaching the end of the year is in recession with a decline in GDP of -0.3%.

We take a look at the GPS marking the midterm years and how they affect the markets. At this time, it will be in the lead up to a major rebound that we will actually have the final stage of the fall, according to this chart, at the end of October.

# Thoughts
# retweet
# Wall Street
# mid-term
# Hahahahahahahaha
# meloni
#Economic crisis
#feed it
# Hahaha
#United kingdom

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