How to set up multiple monitors in Windows

Learn how to use multiple monitors on your Windows PC, without installing anything.

How to set up multiple monitors in Windows

Whether you are a computer enthusiast, programmer, data analyst, gamer, or just want to get a better view of your computer, Use multiple screens It may be the best option to increase your productivity or improve your experience in front of your computer.

Additional monitors allow you to extend your computer desktop and get more screen real estate to run programs or applications. Windows gives you the ability to Set up multiple monitors In just a few steps, and here we’ll tell you how to do it.

What you should know before setting up multiple monitors on your PC

How to set up multiple monitors in Windows

Using multiple monitors can be very useful when working on your computer

Before you set up multiple monitors on your device, make sure they are all cables needed Connected to monitors and your computer. This includes connecting power and video signal cables using VGA, DVI, HDMI, or DisplayPort, as applicable.

When everything is ready, you can start enjoying Advantages of using multiple monitors on your computer. You’ll be able to move your mouse back and forth between them, and drag programs between screens as if you had a larger desktop, among many other possibilities. And best of all, you can do all this in just a few steps.

Start using multiple monitors on your PC

Windows makes it very easy to use multiple monitors. All you have to do is connect each monitor to the appropriate port and the operating system itself should do it Automatically expand your desktop On all screens available. However, Windows might display the same thing on every screen by default, but if that’s the case, you don’t have to worry.

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To select how you want to see your screen, simultaneously press the keys Windows + P. And you’ll see a sidebar appear where you can quickly choose a new viewing mode. These are the options available:

  • PC screen only: Windows will only use the main console, and any additional screens will be completely black.
  • transcribe: This option will show you the same image on all screens.
  • Zoom: Here Windows will enlarge and expand your desktop, providing another screen to work with. In other words, it’s the ideal choice if what you want is more space on your computer screen.
  • Second display only: If you select this option, Windows will turn off the primary display and use only the secondary display.

Setting up multiple monitors in Windows

How to set up multiple monitors in Windows

Make sure all monitors are set up correctly on your computer

Finally, it’s time to learn how to configure your monitors in Windows 10. For this, you will just have to stick to the following steps:

  • Open File List Windows settings.
  • Choose System.
  • Once you get there, tap Monitor.
  • Now click the button reveal To see how many each screen appears on the screen, then drag and drop the screens so Windows understands how to actually place them. Number one will be you main screen and so on.
  • When done, tap Progressing to save the changes you made.
  • Alternatively, you can right-click on your computer desktop and select screen settings.

Multiple screens make things a lot easier right from the start, but you don’t have to stop there. You can set different wallpapers for each screen, through the default controls in Windows Or use the animated wallpapers through a third-party app.

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