Luis Martin Moreno joins the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical, Chemical and Natural Sciences of Zaragoza

The session will be held next Wednesday, May 25 at 7:00 pm in Sala de Grados at the Faculty of Science at the University of Zaragoza.

Drafting between sister companies05/23/2022

On Wednesday, May 25, Detective Dr Supreme Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) Luis Martin Moreno, of the Institute of Nanosciences and Materials of Aragon (INMA), a mixed CSIC-Unizar entity, will deliver his entry speech at the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical, Chemical and Natural Sciences in Zaragoza, entitled Artificial Intelligence Applied to Science: Basic Concepts and Examples.

Luis Martin Moreno holds a PhD from the Autonomous University of Madrid on the subject of electronic properties of amorphous semiconductors. After residing at the University of Cambridge (UK) and after obtaining his doctorate at the Institute of Materials Science in Madrid (ICMM), in 2001 he co-authored the first theoretical work on exceptional optical transport (EOT) through networks of holes. In metal films, since then its main activity has focused on the field of nanophotons.


Luis Martin Moreno, researcher at the Institute of Nanosciences and Materials of Aragon (INMA).

In 2010, work began on two new lines of research: quantum electrodynamics in waveguides and the science of nanophotonics in graphene. After that, he started a series of researches on topological effects in nanotechnology. Recently he started working on applying artificial intelligence to scientific problems.

Moreno has published more than 260 publications in international journals and his work has been cited more than 30,500 times. In 2016, he was awarded the Thomson Reuters Award for being one of the world’s most cited scholars. In addition, she frequently participates in publishing activities and organizes activities such as the First International Conference on Surface Photonics, the biannual International Workshops on Nanophotonics and Quantum Nanophotonics at the Benasky Science Center or the Nanophotonics Conference Series for 2D Materials.

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For current management positions, he is Principal Investigator in the Research Group for Quantum Materials and Devices of the Government of Aragon and, since 2020, has served as Deputy Director of the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon.

The Royal Academy of Exact, Physical, Chemical and Natural Sciences is an Aragonese academy dedicated to the care and promotion of study and research in mathematics, physics, chemistry and the natural sciences, and to the promotion of activities that bring the Aragonese community closer to the world of science. The usual activities of the Academy are speeches and conferences of its members, as well as those delivered by invited experts, promotion and support for the celebration of national and international conferences, but above all, support for research through awards of inquiry. awarded annually and Academy publications. Among its academics are important figures of Aragon and national knowledge such as Zewail García de Galdiano, Pedro Ramón y Cajal, Antonio de Gregorio Rocasolano, Manuel Martinez-Risco, Pedro Ayerbe Allo, Juan Pastero Lerga, Longinhos Nave Ferrer, Antonio Lacera. Burui, Manuel Lorenzo Pardo, Justiniano Casas Belize and Luis Oro Geralt, among others.

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