Collective analysis proposes to transform CGeo into an institute

Collective analysis proposes to transform CGeo into an institute

• Lucia Capra Pedol took over the position of Director of the Center for Geosciences for a second term.
• Strengthening the interaction of this academic entity with the outside world and uniting efforts in favor of the new president, as suggested by William Lee Allarden

“In the discussion I suggest you include proposals, make a diagnosis of the progress of the first period and discover areas of opportunity for further growth”; Analyzing and strengthening 14 lines of research being worked on in the center, he said.

Upon taking office, the Scientific Research Coordinator, William Lee Allarden, stated that the Capra Pedol administration would have the support of the body he directs and the central administration.

Likewise, he demanded the preservation of interaction between society, the expansion of communication and the strengthening of a balance between the basic and applied sciences; He asked the CGeo community to enhance interaction with the Center abroad, to join forces around Lucía Capra and to continue renovating the Academic Factory.

At the hybrid ceremony held at the CGeo Auditorium, in Juriquilla, Querétaro, Capra Pedol called on his community to be more involved, particularly when analyzing the transformation of the Geosciences Center into an institute; Discuss in a group way how you want to grow and take advantage of the opportunities to develop in the second period.

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Lucia Capra Pedol studied geology at the University of Milan, Italy, and in 2000 received her PhD in volcanology from the Graduate School of Geosciences, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM. He holds a post-doctoral degree at the United Nations University Institute of Geography. She is currently a Research Honorary C at the Center for Geosciences, a PRIDE D and since 2016 belongs to the third level of the National Scholar’s System.

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His field of research is the study of the volcanic history of the main active Mexican volcanoes, based on the analysis of various aspects, including analog experiments, numerical modeling, geo-statistical analysis and paleoclimate reconstruction. These studies aim to identify volcanic hazards to create future eruptive scenarios and map volcanic hazards.

In addition, it pioneered the realization of a real-time monitoring and early warning system to detect debris flows at major active Mexican volcanoes. The social impact of their research, in addition to the generation of knowledge in the field of volcanology, is of great importance for the prevention of disasters associated with natural events.

Its scientific output consists of more than 100 primary products, of which 82 products correspond to articles published in indexed journals, 12 book chapters, four maps and a famous book. His publications have received nearly 1,500 independent citations, with an H factor of 21 (Scopus rule). His research has been supported by six projects from CONACYT, six by PAPIIT-DGAPA, as well as four international cooperation projects Italy, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and the Swiss Confederation Project for Volcanic Hazard Assessment in Central America.

He is responsible for the Conacyt Chair project. invited to present her work at major international forums in the field of volcanology; He was Chairman of the Volcano-Ice Interaction Committee of the International Association of Volcanology and Earth’s Inner Chemistry.

In terms of human resource training, he managed a total of 25 theses, 13 undergraduate theses, 8 master’s, and 5 Ph.D. Three of the graduating physicians are currently independent researchers at national and foreign universities. She is a Professor of Graduate Studies and a BA in Earth Sciences. It has received 8 postdoctoral fellows with whom it has strengthened the line of research in volcanic hazards, in collaboration with domestic and foreign researchers.

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She is co-editor of the indexed journals in the field of volcanology of greatest international influence, and the Mexican Journal of Geosciences. Acts as reviewer for international projects (England, Switzerland, New Zealand). She was awarded the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Medal, awarded by UNAM. Participate in the activities of dissemination and popularization of science.

He was responsible for the academic entity for postgraduate studies in Earth Sciences at the Institute of Geology of the National University. He participated in the Conacyt Governing Committees and is a member of the IPICYT External Evaluation Committee. At the Center for Earth Sciences, she was the representative of the academic body before the Technical Council for Scientific Research, Academic Secretary from 2010 to 2018, and Director for the period 2018-2022.



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