Features to discover if you are a workaholic | Tests | Recruitment | Economie

Do you feel guilty when you don’t work? Do you put pressure on yourself by imposing work deadlines? Can’t relax from work commitments even when you’re on vacation?

Here we tell you what it is 7 most common signs To determine if you’re a workaholic, according to the newspaper trade, from Peru, who consulted with experts, and a test to determine the degree of workaholism from the University of Bergen.

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It should be noted that it is not the same thing Working long hours to commit (what is due to behavior), than to be workaholics, A term used to refer to a person who has a constant need for action (being mental), according to a study Harvard Business Review It involved more than 3,500 employees from an international Dutch financial advisory firm.

In this they found that the intensity of working hours was not associated with problems Physical and mental health of employees, which was reflected in participants who had workaholic tendencies, even if they worked fewer hours per week.

Unlike those who spent 40 hours a week at their jobs, but weren’t obsessed with it and were able to detach from responsibilities during their breaks, those who were obsessed with their work had “More sleep problems, emotional exhaustion, depression, and cardiovascular disease risks, as well as metabolic syndrome risks,” According to the study.

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Common characteristics of a workaholic

According to the newspaper trade, From Peru, the characteristics of workaholics are:

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One. Work more than 45 hours a week, six or seven days a week.

two. Work until late at night and rest a few hours a day.

3. Work even when sick.

four. He never rejects new projects, clients, or responsibilities at work.

5. You should be told that you are a “hardworking worker”, “more efficient”, “the best employee”. Build your confidence on it.

6. The main topic of conversation is work.

7. He doesn’t go on vacation or enjoy the weekends.

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Work addiction test

Through research between the University of Bergen in Norway, led by Clinical Psychologist Dr Cecile Andresen and her team, and Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom, and with the support of the Bergen Clinics Foundation, the development of a tool was achieved to measure a person’s work addiction based on 7 basic criteria, after analyzing 12,000 A Norwegian worker from 25 companies.

the following is University of Bergen Work Addiction Scale. It contains a total of 7 key criteria, which you will need to track in order to get a measurable end result.

Consider values ​​and answer the following questions:

(1) never, (2) rarely, (3) sometimes, (4) often, (5) always.

One. You are thinking about how to free up more time for work.

two. You are spending much more time working than initially planned.

3. It reduces feelings of guilt, anxiety, helplessness and depression.

four. Others have told you to cut back on work without listening to them.
5. Exposed to tension if prevented from working.

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6. You are prioritizing hobbies, leisure activities, and exercise because of your job.

7. You work so much that it negatively affects your health.

Once you’ve answered the questions, keep in mind: Depending on the scale, if you select 4 (often) or 5 (always) for four or more answers, it may be a sign that you have workaholic tendencies.

* With information from El Comercio (GDA)

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