They condemn the destabilizing campaign against the Peruvian government

Former “Together for Peru” presidential candidate Veronica Mendoza on Friday denounced the ongoing campaign of destabilization against the government of President Pedro Castillo.

“It is important to note that despite (…) a permanent campaign of destabilization for a certain section of the opposition, there are some progress that deserve to be highlighted,” said the politician who gave an interview to Peruvian TV.

“Unfortunately there is an anti-democratic coup d’etat in a certain sector, and by the way, all democratic forces must categorically reject it,” the former presidential candidate said.

Questions, criticism of the government, and final interrogations of ministers when required are, of course, legitimate, but vacant? Enough with playing with democracy.

“It’s enough to play with people’s expectation, that all they want is for their powers to start working,” he said.

Mendoza referred to the decision of former candidate Keiko Fujimori, who lost the presidential election to Castillo, who said that the parliamentary part of his People’s Fioza party would strengthen the process of impeachment of the head of state.

Parliamentarian Patricia Chirinos, of the political formation of Avanza Paes, has also announced that she will formalize a vacant motion against Castillo.

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“With difficulties, with mistakes also, the government is advancing, while they say from Congress a ‘vacancy’, this is not possible. We Peruvians deserve a little stability,” Mendoza explained.

On the other hand, Minister for Women and Vulnerable Populations, Anahi Durand, said Fujimori’s support for the presidential post shows that he “has not yet digested his defeat” and rejected Forza Popular’s as a completely undemocratic party.

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