Peru prepares infrastructure improvement projects

The Peruvian authorities continue to search for alliances that launch projects to improve the country’s infrastructure, which includes integrating a massive infrastructure plan led by the United States and building schools with the support of the United Kingdom.

Pedro Castillo, President of the South American country, expressed his intention Incorporating the “Rebuilding a Better World” (B3W) initiative led by the United States and the G7 countries to counter China’s geopolitical influence Through the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, of which Peru has been a part since 2019.

The B3W program was launched in June by US President Joe Biden during the G7 Summit, in that sense, Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State, He has promoted this initiative on his recent visits to Ecuador and Colombia.

Wendy Sherman, US Under Secretary of State, and Castillo met almost as the president was visiting the Ayacucho region to oversee public works and health campaigns in rural areas; It was at the virtual event where the official expressed interest in the initiative.

On the subject of educational infrastructure, Peru and the United Kingdom have signed a Government-to-Government (G2G) agreement to build 75 educational institutions in nine regions of the Andean country, with an investment of $700 million.

The Ministry of Education (Minedu) reported that it will benefit more than 100,000 students in the regions of Cajamarca, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Ucayali, Junín, Cusco, Puno, Callao and Lima; The contract was signed within the framework of the Private Public Investment Project (PEIP) “Escuelas Bicentenario”.

Institutions will be built using Building Information Modeling or Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology, which will allow modular designs to be adapted to the climatic and geographical conditions of each region of the country.

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Bicentennial Schools will be the first project to be established as part of the PEIP Mechanism, to promote economic activity and ensure the effective provision of infrastructure and public services to the population, as well as impact on the economy, with international best practices and standards.

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