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Extensions They are small programs that can be downloaded through the Chrome Web Store, and they work so that your browser of choice, whether it’s Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Edge, Chromium, etc., works better and gives another kind of experience to your username. Although these programs are usually installed on a computer or laptop, today we are going to teach you a trick that will help you to run it on your mobile device.

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Although most browsers are compatible with extensions Web Store, only if you are connected to a computer or laptop, the same will not happen on mobile, because these devices will need to download Flow or Kiwi search engines from Google Play Store, which use Chromium browser with some differences.

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How is flow and kiwi different

They are both browsers, the difference is that flow It only supports Chrome extensions, namely: ad blocker and website reputation meter. On the other hand, Kiwi It offers more, such as: a tracking blocker, the option to disable AMP, adjust the appearance of your interface, etc.

In both cases, extensions are managed from the browser menu, exactly by pressing the three vertical dots located in the upper right corner. In addition, these programs can be downloaded by searching in Google the following: “Chrome Web Store” or by clicking .

Do you have problems with Google Chrome? If your browser crashes, crashes or does not open a webpage and you see the following messages: “Proxy Error in Google Chrome” or “This webpage is not available”, click To find out solutions and recommendations that help solve this problem.

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