They seek to adopt the exact sciences

They seek to adopt the exact sciences

At the Faculty of Exact Sciences, the accreditation of a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics began, which has not undergone this process since 1984, when professional life began.

For more than 30 years, he has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Juarez and since then, it has never been accredited, which is why we have worked to achieve it and give greater quality and national recognition to the job.

The Council for the Accreditation of Programs in Mathematics Education (CAPEM) is already operational, depending on the Council for Accreditation of Higher Education (COPAES), which will be the one to certify the national accreditation.

The headquarters of these works was the Faculty of Exact Sciences itself, where the act roughly took place.

Ruben Solís Rios, Dean of UJED, acknowledged that staff at the College of Exact Sciences are on the cusp of making the long-awaited accreditation available.

“I already know the process of these exercises, I know we will have a how-to guide with some variants, but here a team has been formed that will work out the feedback and recommendations that will be sent to us,” he said.

The university president said that the university’s goal is to gradually move from national accreditation to international accreditation, so it will be the second step.

They seek to adopt the exact sciences
mathematics. In the Faculty of Exact Sciences, national accreditation for the mathematics degree is sought.

Durango, College of Exact Sciences, UJED

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