WhatsApp will support multiple devices simultaneously | app | Wasap | app | news | SPORTS-PLAY

It is one of the most downloaded applications in the world; It allows us to send text messages, photos, stickers, make video calls, and many other communication options.

As expected, Facebook, the company behind the app, is making changes to the app in beta to test the new features. Let’s remember that the business version is already used in Brazil.

on the other side, We reported that the app is working on an important change that will allow us to connect on different devices. At the moment, it is considered that they are working on the availability of four devices at the same time.

According to broker Xataka, it’s a functionality that’s been in development for several years. It was clarified that WhatsApp Web can indeed work with the connected mobile application but it is not enabled on multiple devices at the same time like Telegram.

The funny thing is that you won’t need an internet connection for the account to work; In other words, each mobile will be independent. As the Facebook CEO explained, it was a “major technical challenge”.

WhatsApp will support many devices simultaneously.  (Photo: webinfo)
WhatsApp will support many devices simultaneously. (Photo: webinfo)

WhatsApp can delete your account if you are inactive for this period of time

It is used by more than 2 billion users around the world every day , the instant messaging application that has become essential for social, family and work life, where we can send documents, photos, videos, GIFs and more. However, if you are one of the people who installed the app and don’t use or open it from time to time, your email account risks getting deleted due to inactivity.

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There are many reasons You can delete an account temporarily or permanently, one of them is in violation of its terms and conditions which we accept when we download the application from Google Play.

Within these conditions are Intellectual Property Policies: Your Copyrights and Trademarks, it means that if we share pirated movies, copyrighted PDF books, and copycats by WhatsApp BusinessThey can ban us forever. This case occurred in India, where Mark Zuckerberg’s company deleted two accounts for the above reasons, to find out the story, click .

inactivity time

What is more, The WhatsApp You can delete our account without violating your rules, how? With the simple fact of not using the app for a certain period, this is it: 45 days and 120 days of inactivity.

As we all know mobile phone companies recycle numbers, it’s not news, there’s a chance they will give you a recycled number when you buy a new device or SIM, and if you’re not lucky, that number may also be active in The WhatsAppThat is, the previous owner of your number did not delete his account, and when you want to register your number, you will not be able to do so.

Because of these problems is that The WhatsApp Give a period of 45 days, if at this time the owner of the previous number does not use the account, the application will allow you to register with your new SIM card, and it will automatically delete the other account with all its information. In short, you can create a new user from scratch.

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The WhatsApp It can also delete your account and all its information if you do not use it within 120 days, this is done in order to secure our personal information. It should be noted that you can recover your account again but all the conversations will disappear i.e. like you just downloaded the app.

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