Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the National Medical Center “November 20” –

to: Dr. Pavel Louisa Magana, Rehabilitation medicine The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service was part of the “20 November” development, en route from the Hospital Center to the National Medical Center. In the past ten years, there has been a continuous evolution, a product of technological development and modernization of knowledge, in favor of the interest of rights holders.

  • Robotics: The service infrastructure has been modernized, outdated technology and unused spaces are removed, and robots are integrated into the services provided. First, robots have been integrated to re-teach walking, arm, hand and balance platform. These teams have helped rehabilitate patients with various neurological conditions, orthopedic disorders and other conditions, to implement programs called “specific tasks”, which have high evidence of their benefit.
  • Physical and occupational therapy: The group of graduates in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy was distinguished by its continuous preparation, and two of them were successfully awarded a degree through an agreement with the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla; Most of them are certified in the use and treatment of walking robots and arm robots, in addition to being certified in manual lymphatic drainage methods (Vodder and Leduc), in the use of deep oscillations, and other tools. Take care of the patient. Additionally, they are in continuous training with attending the national and international conferences that are organized annually, and participating as frequent speakers.
  • Medical group She has a continuous preparation, and all of them hold postgraduate degrees of various types (master’s degree, higher specialty, diploma), attend national, international and international conferences, and are frequently invited as speakers.
  • Playing sports: There are engineering bikes and arm cranks, with which tests of physical ability, as well as conditioning, can be performed; Likewise, there is bodybuilding work equipment for legs. In addition, isomotor dynamometers were installed, which are high-tech devices to measure muscle strength and muscle strength, which have been used for evaluation, treatment and research purposes, while treating all health conditions and disabilities in service. In addition, as a result of the continuous training courses offered, the availability of various exercise accessories, such as weights, balls, cones, hoops, etc., for which exercise programs have been developed, has been expanded, as well as heart rate sensors, lactate meter etc. that ensure adequate control of responses. Physical.
  • Quality: Service in ISO Quality Management System since November 2016, Counseling, Physiotherapy, EMG and Cardiac Rehabilitation audits are performed annually, obtaining continuous certification, and ensuring that people are treated according to specific guidelines, and of the best quality.
  • High specialty: In 2015, after the meticulous operations performed at UNAM, highly specialized postgraduate courses (CPAEM) in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Clinical Exercise Physiology were established to broaden the existing knowledge base in this specialty, after graduation so far 6 specialists in Cardiac Rehabilitation and 9 Clinical Exercise Physiology (Yes, all women). Currently, the clinical exercise physiology approach is being updated.
  • Education completion: Since 2015, workshops have been taught and are open to the public. The “Isokinetic Evaluation and Prescription” training course is widely accepted and recognized, as it is currently the only offering on the topic, which exists in Latin America. For him, he has academic support from the founding doctors’ association for CH “November 20”, as well as students from different parts of the republic attended by students from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, and more than on one occasion, TF Luis Felipe Medina Cabezas, Professor Renowned from Costa Rica, as a visiting professor. In addition, the “Advanced Isokinesis” course has been taught on two occasions, also accrediting Lic. Medina is one of them. On one occasion, the “Strength and Strength in Rehabilitation” course was held with the participation of invited professors from the University of Juarez Autonoma in Tabasco, and from the Spaurthabilia Clinic. In 2019, the first inter-institutional meeting titled “Clinical Panorama of Spasticity” was held, with professors from the National Institute of Neurology, the DIF System, the National Rehabilitation Institute, and ISSSTE itself. At the same time, four versions of the Physiotherapist Day Conference have been developed, with invited professors from the National Health System, supported by the teaching coordination and union department of their organization, which are successfully implemented, all editions to full capacity. The biggest project in continuing education, without a doubt, was the CMN International Rehabilitation Conference “20 November”, which was organized by the service staff, after having been implemented on four occasions, with specialists from Mexico, from “20 de November”, and various rehabilitation services for ISSSTE, DIF, IMSS, INR, Mexico General Hospital, Militar Central Hospital, CRISEDENA, Private Hospitals, Mexican Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mexican College of Medicine for Electrodiagnostics, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, professors from abroad who are Dr. Adela Gómez (Virgen de la Victorique Hospital, Malaga, Spain), Adalberto Loyola (University of Calgary, Canada), Robinson Ramírez Velez (University of Del Rosario, Colombia), Francisco Bentz (Rehabelitic, Dominican Republic), Luis Felipe Medina (New Liben) , Costa Rica), and Dr. Walter Frontera (University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico), who attended as President of the International Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ISPRM), and achieved an attendance of 240 people, 500 by broadcast in 6 countries, in addition to the live broadcast on YouTube on The official hospital channel.
  • Investigation: Several research projects have been developed, as there is currently one of the only three CBR projects registered in the country for women with breast cancer; Meanwhile, research in biomechanics and physiology has resulted in four National Research Awards in Physical Culture and Sports (2015, 2015, 2016 and 2017), one from ISSSTE (2016), and one at the Second International Research Meeting on COVID-19 (2021). ), Plus two at the Mexican Congress of Natural Medicine and Rehabilitation (2016 and 2021), and one at the Congress of the Western Rehabilitation Society (SOCREJAL); In addition to the continuous participation in various national conferences, and presenting posters in the World Conference on Rehabilitation. Also drawn from CPAEMs, three award-winning theses were obtained at the UNAM Conference on High-Specialty Research (2019 and 2021). Within the framework of the Third International Conference (2017) the Qualification Research Award “Dr. Juan Enrique Quintal Velazco”, approved by the research coordination, with one category in its first version (2017) and a double category (original research and clinical case) in the second (2019), after it was Blindly qualified jury, of invited foreign professors; Being the winner, in her first edition, is Dr. Anna Belem Davila, from CMN “November 20”, and in the second edition, Dras. Marta Elda Prieto, From IMSS, and Dra Thalia Martinez, from CMN “November 20”.
  • Covid-19: In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to the necessary participation in care on hospital floors and respiratory triage, various programs and investigations have been developed. It started with the early care of the patient in the hospital, after which the use of modern technology (deep oscillations) was incorporated to support the respiratory system treatment; In addition, the Health Status Questionnaire and its validation are designed to detect the risk of transmission of COVID-19 (self-administered), as a tool applicable to outpatients being treated on duty, three papers have been submitted for publication and many have been sent The research protocols provided, also started. With a remote rehabilitation program for remote follow-up care for discharged patients, who receive medical consultations, physiotherapy and occupational therapy; It was supplemented with a remote physical conditioning program, through newly verified physical exams on healthy people, to measure physical condition, and to practice and control medical exercises, with minimal risks, for patients who completed a remote rehabilitation plan and recently the rehabilitation program has been integrated Cardiovascular disease for patients who have completed a conditioning plan.
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Medicine is evolving every day, and constantly updating patient care programs is crucial. To achieve this, continuous employee training, participation in specialized forums, and research development are essential for growth. Systematically implementing procedures, ensuring the quality of how they are implemented; Moreover, having continuous training allows an exchange of experiences with professionals from other centers. On the other hand, specialization and higher education guarantees the updating and development of knowledge through teaching.

These and other interesting articles, accompanied by reports, interviews and special collaborations with some of the most famous CMN specialists “20 November” from ISSSTE, you can find them on our website. Next multimedia special edition from ’60 Years of CMN November 20′

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