70 babies born in Costa Rica through in vitro fertilization

During a visit, President Carlos Alvarado learned that since its opening in July 2019 so far, 70 babies have been born thanks to Umrac, as well as the average pregnancy rate in Costa Rica thanks to assisted fertilization is between 45 and 50 percent, while the global average is 30 to 33 percent.

This center, equipped with the latest technology and highly specialized human resources, also implements a free program so that people (individually) with a diagnosis of oncology can freeze eggs or sperm, since surgical procedures, chemotherapy and radiotherapy reduce their chances of pregnancy.

It also has the option of donating gametes (eggs or semen) to couples who do not have anyone to depend on for fertilization.

These donors undergo the analysis process to preserve samples and anonymously assist couples or women with infertility issues.

Alvarado expressed his feeling “very proud of what Costa Rica, CCSS and Social Security have achieved, there are few countries in the world that have a public fertility assistance system.”

He stressed that the Costa Rican health model is at the highest international standards, and indicated that this is a way to ensure the right of those families who wish to have children and can be supported.

The President of Costa Rica emphasized that this service in Costa Rica is not limited to those who can pay for it, but for any family in any corner of the national territory.

“This speaks to the model of solidarity that we aspire to as a nation,” said Alvarado, who was accompanied on the tour by CCSS medical director in charge of public health in Costa Rica, Randal Alvarez. The head of this center, Gershel Barantis; And the director of the National Women’s Hospital, José Miguel Villalobos Berenice.

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Barants emphasized that residents receive comprehensive support from CCSS, with which couples or women with fertility problems can get counseling and receive assisted fertility care.

“Our unit is a specialized center with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary vision through which we try to comply with all international standards to achieve the highest pregnancy rate,” said Umrac President.

jha / ale

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