7 Tips For Learner Drivers

There is no feeling in the world like passing your driving test as this can give you a newfound sense of freedom and independence. Learning to drive is not easy, though, and many people feel stressed and anxious while learning. Read on for 7 tips for learners that should help and prepare you for your test.

  1. Know the Traffic Rules

It may seem obvious, but many people start driving without knowing the written and unwritten rules of the road. This is why you should learn all the traffic rules before getting behind the wheel so that you are well prepared.

  1. Don’t Drive at Night

When getting started, you should stick to driving in the daytime. Low visibility and traffic can make driving at night more challenging and stressful, so it is best to learn during the day.

  1. Maintain a Safe Speed

When learning to drive, you need to maintain a safe speed at all times whether practising in a car park or on the road. If you are on the road, you must always know what the speed limit is and stay within this. Crucially, avoid driving too slowly as well as this is also unsafe.

  1. Accelerate Slowly & Brake Gently

When you are first getting started, it is hard to remember all the small things that you need to do so many people accelerate too quickly or slam on the brakes. You want to accelerate and brake gently, which you can do by working on mastering the basics. Driving in an empty car park is a great way to hone these basic skills before joining the roads. Even when practising in an empty car park, you need to make sure that you have learner driver insurance in place.

  1. Avoid Distractions
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You also need to avoid distractions when learning the ropes. Keep the radio off and only have the person supervising you in the car so that you can focus entirely on driving.

  1. Don’t Drive Under the Influence

Obviously, it is important to drive when sober for legal and safety reasons. Even just one drink is not a good idea and you may also want to avoid driving when you are hungover (and could still technically be over the limit).

  1. Learn the Basics of Auto Mechanics

Many people find it helpful to learn the basics of auto mechanics. When you know how a car works, you will find that driving makes a lot more sense and you will have better control over the vehicle.

These tips should come in handy for learners and hopefully help you to get used to being behind the wheel. It can feel daunting and scary at first, but once you master the basics and get used to driving, it becomes much easier and you will quickly start to progress.

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