7 out of 10 Spaniards are worried about their retirement

the economic inflation In July it rose again. As the latest data from INE located in 2.3%, an increase of 0.4%. Thus, core inflation, which excludes the more volatile items such as energy and fresh food and is considered trend inflation, remains high with an increase in 0.3% MoM, standing at 6.2%.

In this inflationary context, Saving for the future is difficult for many citizens. In fact, as reported in the European report on consumer payments for intrumAnd 70% of Spaniards are worried about not being able to afford it the retirement looseThis is a figure eight points higher than the European average (62%). Spain is located Among the ten countries most worried about their retirementin the list is occupied by Portugal (79%), above France (60%), Germany (58%), the United Kingdom (57%) and Italy (55%).

The report reveals that 73% of those surveyed in Spain fear that inflation will reduce their cash savingswhich is a response rate two points above the European average (71%).


The effect of inflation on financial well-being

In recent months, the general increase in prices has also led to a increase in daily life Which on many occasions translates to Increasing financial pressures on citizens.was referred to in the study.

In this sense, more than half (51%) of those surveyed in Spain indicate this Your worry about rising bills has a negative impact on your financial well-being. This percentage is 10 points higher than that recorded in 2021, which reflects that residents are more and more interested in this aspect.

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However, the Spanish ratio Seven points below the European average (58%). The report by Intrum states that out of the 24 countries analyzed, Greece (78%), Latvia (71%), Portugal and Poland (70%) are rated as the countries the population is most interested in. By contrast, Norway (47%), Denmark (46%), the Netherlands and Switzerland (45%) are on the other extreme.

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