5 tips for staying mentally fit for the long term

As we all know by now, the brain is the most important organ in any human body. It sounds like a cliche, but it’s the reality. It’s the main organ of the nervous system, and it’s also responsible for ensuring that everything works properly inside our bodies.

Just as we work a large part of our bodies, we cannot forget about it. We have to keep our brains functioning, and if not, we will be able to notice in the long run how problems arising from this will manifest themselves, such as memory loss.

study In 2016 from University of Edinburgh It has been suggested that short-term learning of new languages ​​helps people with mental agility. In fact, after a week of learning, this work was able to show that people (of all ages) began to show clear signs of improvement.

For this reason, we offer you a series of exercises that will help you keep your mind sharp, and reduce possible signs of aging that the mind of any of us may suffer from.

Learn to play a musical instrument

Music is a great ally of our mind, as it helps us to disconnect, feel, get excited, etc. Therefore, try to learn to play an instrument that you are not good at, whatever it may be.

During this learning process, whether it is more in-depth or not, you will help your brain memorize, practice and coordinate actions with your hands, which is quite beneficial to our health.

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Practice with your unskilled hand

The important thing to keep your mind trained is to fill it with new stimuli. Therefore, whether you are left-handed or right-handed, try to practice and also try to master your unskillful hand.

To practice this, you can try writing, drawing small strokes, or even using the less good hand by default, thus forcing yourself to make an “extra” effort, which your brain will undoubtedly appreciate.

Try meditation

Meditation, or not to do it, yoga or any similar practice, are great exercises to keep your mind active. In this case, focus will be a key value for practice, so your attention should be fully focused on it.

Of course, this is not the only advantage of meditation, and it also helps reduce stress and anxiety, among other things, which is why it is presented as one of the best options to consider.

listen to the music

As we mentioned in the first point about learning to play an instrument, the truth is that music is essential because of the role it plays in our minds. Take the opportunity to listen to the music, understand the lyrics, and for the more daring, listen to something in a foreign language.

Mind and math games

From the most traditional to video games, the truth is that it is one of the best options out there. Solve crosswords, complete a self-introduction or find any other game that interests you.

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Everything about actively exercising your thinking that falls within your free time will help you improve in your future without feeling like working on it, and simply enjoying it.

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