30 medical schools are already operating in the country, according to AMLO – ContraRéplica

Claudia Bolanos

“We have promised that there will be no rejection and this is what we are trying to do,” said President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador while leading the inauguration of the welfare university ‘Benito Juárez García’, which is based in this municipality. Located in Guerrero. In total, there are 140 university campuses in the country.

“This right that students enjoy has not been fully complied with yet, but we are moving towards this goal, which is that there is no objectionable, and anyone who wants to study can do it and the economic situation does not matter. Education is within everyone’s reach.”

The Chair of the Universities Coordinating Body for “Welfare” Benito Juarez Garcia, Raquel Sousa Elisaga, highlighted that the name of the headquarters of this university was honored for the contributions and struggles of the trade union leader and liberal socialist statesman, Juan R. Squire, reported:

“This is one of the comprehensive medicine and community health schools in the programme’s 37 health schools; practically, of all the new schools we have, the last 40 are health schools.”

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