3 Tips From Coach M. Lygdback To Speed ​​Up Your Diet

    Coach Magnus Lygdback has worked with some of the biggest stars in Hollywood To help them get in shape for their on-screen roles, From Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot of the Justice LeagueAnd the To Alexander Skarsgard of Northman. In a new video on his YouTube channel, Lygdback answers a series of frequently asked questions on social media about the basics of his approach to training and nutrition.

    1- Avoid fast carbohydrates

        When asked about his favorite snacks, Legdback said he tries to avoid fast carbs in favor of good protein sources. Anything from beef, chicken, eggs, tofu, and even protein shakes., He says. “Protein is the building block of muscle and tissue, it’s essential that you get enough protein to maintain muscle mass and not kill muscle mass. So protein is very important, but then you have fats and carbohydrates, they are fuel for the body.”

        2 – Train whenever you can

        anyway Lygdback Courses with Alexander Skarsgård for The Northman Happening first thing in the morning, it’s not necessarily something everyone thinks they should do. “Practice when your life and schedule allow you to.”, He says. “It doesn’t really matter if you train in the morning or in the afternoon. However, if you have all the time in the world there is nothing wrong with starting the day with a workout, I think it sets the mental standard for the day.”

        3- Be accountable to yourself

        The same goes for scheduling your workout: If you only train twice a week, Lygdback recommends working your entire body in each session. If you do more than that, you can start doing more push/pull splits. “The most important thing is to be responsible, make training a part of your life and attend every week”it states.

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